Upgrade Tonight 3/19/2011

Yah, me too. I'll figure it out. And you won't be getting any reputation notices anymore.

Why? that was great feature? I enjoyed knowing who liked or disliked my comments. Can you enable it? Or at least enable the list of reps again. It was a fun part of the site to-- me anyaway.
when i hit the "reply" button, there is an annoying delay between me hitting the keyboard and seeing the text on the screen. just replying in this box, its still a little slow, but not so bad that i'm three or four words ahead of myself like the reply button. reply with quote doesn't have that issue. just wondering if anyone else has that issue. i have 12mb download speed, so that isn't the issue. could be the new software needs work....damo?

i do like your upgrades.....except for.....

1. site is slower
2. smilies are smaller and look fuzzy on my screen (24 inch hdmi, 1080p) thank goodness i'm not on the living room computer.
3. slow, tyuping is lsow <-- dthat, i just typed too fast for this new upgrade and it causes me to screw up, because i delete before i see the word is typed ok.
4. i actually do miss the old blue forum look.

speaking of smilies....where are they? i see them, but not in the quick reply.....
The smilies are lame. I'm surprised though that Damo has abandoned libertarianism and joined the green movement.
Why? that was great feature? I enjoyed knowing who liked or disliked my comments. Can you enable it? Or at least enable the list of reps again. It was a fun part of the site to-- me anyaway.

You'll still get those, just not reputation notices. I don't use the reputation feature, it was automatically turned on by the upgrade. I've shut that off.
Yeah, I prefer to be able to see who likes and dislikes posts here within the thread. I also wish you would switch the listings in our control panels from post numbers to the names of the threads the way it used to be.
Also, the old :+D was one of my favorite avatars to use, and not only is it gone, but the :D blows entirely. Bring it back!!

Furthermore, can you ban Generic just for fun? :cof1:
Yeah, I prefer to be able to see who likes and dislikes posts here within the thread. I also wish you would switch the listings in our control panels from post numbers to the names of the threads the way it used to be.

Yeah,I prefer that too, however I have to use what is available right now. Unfortunately the Groan/Thanks hacks that they "upgraded" didn't work together, one could groan and thank a post. Each time one of these were done they sent a query to the database which caused slowdowns.

Once those are fixed I'll redo them. Had I known about the problem beforehand I would have waited a bit longer for the upgrade, but as it is... It's done.
The facebook connect thing is a PIA as it plants itself right where you put your sign in name. Change, as usual, will take some getting use to. Thanks for all your hard work at trying to make this a better place!
What I most feared was the fact that they were no longer going to upgrade the older version I used, this meant I would only get security updates, and those only secondary to this new version of the software. Because of that, and because most of my mods had appeared to transfer (unfortunately many appeared to have done so, but aren't working right on this newest version), I decided to go with it.

It will take a bit of time to get this correct, but it will get there. I think the skins themselves are far better than most of the skins I had on the older version.
I think you got rid of the best feature you had going. The coolest part of this site was rep listing. It was a great chance for the opposite sides to show support for their opponents when they agreed. Now is just a faceless tally. Lame. Too bad