US adds fewer jobs than expected

It's cowboy politics. If we stop trading with them all we're doing is starving people, and those states then get to use anti-US sentiment and feelings of intereference with national sovereignity to increase the popularity of their regime.

Cuba wouldn't have lasted half this time without the blockade. In fact, if we had just not treated Castro like a piece of shit, he probably never would have reverted to the USSR and Cuba would've probably become a democracy by now.
Correct. All it takes is to read 'The Ugly American' to see that.
the fact that the have are further outpacing the have nots is a good thing not bad.
You morons don't realize that all the socialist who subscribed to that moronic policy of that being bad, :clink: gave up years ago
From 30% of the population doing it to 1%. Is production of the same amount of something by less people bad for the nation?

It's not efficiencies I'm against, it's becoming dependant on other nations for essentials, when that is a security risk. And I'm really against allowing slave labor into the international work force. Efficiencies take a backseat to human rights.
count on Cypress Castro to be the ever present whiney little dem bitch.

the number of millionaires has gone up by 4,000,000 in the last 6 yrs, your retarded:pke:

Yep and 22% of children in KY live at or below the poverty level....

then too a million dollars just is not what it used to be when the avg home price was 40K and the avg auto was 5K either....