US apology over Guatemala syphilis experiments

where is Big Gubmint to defend himself against these horrendous and ludicrous allegations? Surely the US Government would NEVER subject people of any nation to this kind of 'experiment', right?
where is Big Gubmint to defend himself against these horrendous and ludicrous allegations? Surely the US Government would NEVER subject people of any nation to this kind of 'experiment', right?
Because he's a troll man. One of many that Legion has. Currently YP and John Bull are on right now. He'll probably pull millisha wannabe out for this thread.
Americans believe they have a divine right to do as they please.

Ignorance, insensitivity, arrogance and hypocrisy are national characteristics.
The most common type of Americanus, A. fatassus, mostly inhabits cities like Houston and Chicago.

It is often seen gathered around fast-food joints, and is easily recognizable because it is the most massive of all the species.

A. fatassus is a parasitic omnivore, and it uses its lobes of fat to suck the ambient life force out of the surrounding environment.

The obese Americanus will also eat anything, be it shit-grade beef or compressed garbage, so long as it is sandwiched in a burger bun or taco shell.

It eats in large volumes, and stores the fat in the huge body sacs that give it its typical appearance.

Americanus saves fat to convert to stored energy in case it has to do something strenuous, like walking ten feet.

Its two-ton body is, in many cases, too heavy to move without aid, and so it relies on giant people-movers and Chelsea tractors to cart itself around (much like Jabba the Hutt on his sail barge).

Males and females are indistinguishable, because overhanging rolls of fat block the genitals from view, which in the male are insignificant anyway.

Further confusing gender identification are the man-boobs seen on chest of the male.

One should avoid mating with them, or watching them mate, at all costs.

Warning: Americansus, like plastic bags, must not be left near children unsupervised. Children may be stepped on, sat on, or become hopelessly entangled in rolls of fat. Infants especially must be kept away, as direct contact with the fat lobes will instantly snuff the life force out of them.
Not only did they do this but they also damn well tried to charge licence fees for the use of Penicillin, in spite of the fact that it was developed in Britain. I would state, without fear of contradiction, that the war in the Pacific would have been screwed without Britain's gift of Penicillin to the USA.
That's not accurate at all. Penicillin was developed by the French. Not the British.
Mott, you are usually much better informed than this, I'm embarassed for you.
Sorry Tom but it's true. Do your homework. The French discovered penicillion about 400 hundred years ago and in typical French fashion, used it to cure cheese. The British took this French discovery and used it to cure disease. :)

So the truth is, the French developed penicillon first. They just put it to a different use. You forget I took microbiology in grad school. ;) I'm well aware of the work of Flemming on anti-biotics and sulfa drugs. Two staggering acheivements of medical science.
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