US apology over Guatemala syphilis experiments

Shit we studied the progression of Syphilis in Alabama for decades. Granted, we didn't infect the men in Tuskegee but we never told them they had it and we never treated it. Poor blacks, poor Guatemalans, neither really ranked as people so the government didn't think they did anything wrong.
Sorry Tom but it's true. Do your homework. The French discovered penicillion about 400 hundred years ago and in typical French fashion, used it to cure cheese. The British took this French discovery and used it to cure disease. :)

So the truth is, the French developed penicillon first. They just put it to a different use. You forget I took microbiology in grad school. ;) I'm well aware of the work of Flemming on anti-biotics and sulfa drugs. Two staggering acheivements of medical science.

Did you do a minor in red herrings as well?
Naaa... I just thought you'd get a chuckle out of knowing that the French had one of the greatest medical discoveries in human history in their hands and they used it, in typical French fashion, to cure cheese. :)
I used to hate the French so much, pretty much for everything.

Now I realize how much they kick ass, and would honestly love to visit. We could indulge in our favorite pastimes; hating the British :)
I used to hate the French so much, pretty much for everything.

Now I realize how much they kick ass, and would honestly love to visit. We could indulge in our favorite pastimes; hating the British :)
I hear ya cuz. Ruby Throated Americans like to beat up on the French but the truth is, despite their short comings, those Frogs know how to live. I'd love to go to France and enjoy a great meal at a side walk cafe with a bottle of bordeaux and a Parisian courtesan. By comparison, going to Jolly Ole for some bangers and mash, a good pint and a gum job from Nelly the serving wench would be nice but just doesn't seem to measure up by comparison. Know what I mean?
I hear ya cuz. Ruby Throated Americans like to beat up on the French but the truth is, despite their short comings, those Frogs know how to live. I'd love to go to France and enjoy a great meal at a side walk cafe with a bottle of bordeaux and a Parisian courtesan. By comparison, going to Jolly Ole for some bangers and mash, a good pint and a gum job from Nelly the serving wench would be nice but just doesn't seem to measure up by comparison. Know what I mean?

The thing is, most American tourists don't really get to taste any of the wonderful French cuisine without that slightly salty after-taste provided by the addition of that special ingredient - creme de la chef's balls
The thing is, most American tourists don't really get to taste any of the wonderful French cuisine without that slightly salty after-taste provided by the addition of that special ingredient - creme de la chef's balls
That's why you enjoy a meal in one of the many small towns in the Provence region and not Paris. The only place in France the surrender monkeys were rude to me was Paris. They were great everywhere else. I would suggest Grimaud or Collobriere this time of year.
That's why you enjoy a meal in one of the many small towns in the Provence region and not Paris. The only place in France the surrender monkeys were rude to me was Paris. They were great everywhere else. I would suggest Grimaud or Collobriere this time of year.


You'll be telling me next that all Germans aren't Nazi's, all Australians don't spend their weekends wrestling crocodiles and that every Canadian hasn't fucked a moose.
That's why you enjoy a meal in one of the many small towns in the Provence region and not Paris. The only place in France the surrender monkeys were rude to me was Paris. They were great everywhere else. I would suggest Grimaud or Collobriere this time of year.
I think that's more of a big city thing. Most New Yorkers I know of first class bastards. I've heard the same about folks from London. Now take Charver here, outside of being seriously deranged, he's a pretty good guy.

You'll be telling me next that all Germans aren't Nazi's, all Australians don't spend their weekends wrestling crocodiles and that every Canadian hasn't fucked a moose.
I can tell two things about you from that comment Charver. #1. You've never seen a live moose and #2. You've never been to Canada or you would know most Hosers aint tall enough or ambitious enough to fuck a moose.
I think that's more of a big city thing. Most New Yorkers I know of first class bastards. I've heard the same about folks from London. Now take Charver here, outside of being seriously deranged, he's a pretty good guy.

I am always suspicious of people who claim NY'ers are mean, or nasty, or whatever. I am in Manhattan often and people I run across are always gracious and helpful. Assuming Manhattan is what you mean by NY since most people out of the state refer to it that way.

So the first thing I always think of, well, if you are having such problems in the city, what kind of a prick are you?
Naaa... I just thought you'd get a chuckle out of knowing that the French had one of the greatest medical discoveries in human history in their hands and they used it, in typical French fashion, to cure cheese. :)

There are many different strains of Penicillium, the one you are referring to Penicillium roquefortii is not the same as Penicillium notatum discovered by Alexander Fleming. Penicillium chrysogenum is now used to produce Penicillin as it is much more productive.
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I think that's more of a big city thing. Most New Yorkers I know of first class bastards. I've heard the same about folks from London. Now take Charver here, outside of being seriously deranged, he's a pretty good guy. say the sweetest things, Mott.

You'll be telling me next that all Germans aren't Nazi's, all Australians don't spend their weekends wrestling crocodiles and that every Canadian hasn't fucked a moose.
Well it depends on how you define fucked. Some Canadians opt to get fucked by the moose instead.
I am always suspicious of people who claim NY'ers are mean, or nasty, or whatever. I am in Manhattan often and people I run across are always gracious and helpful. Assuming Manhattan is what you mean by NY since most people out of the state refer to it that way.

So the first thing I always think of, well, if you are having such problems in the city, what kind of a prick are you?
I sorta agree. I met nothing but some of the nicest, most helpful people there. And as for everyone saying driving in NYC is crazy is a terrible driver. The best that could be said is that they're pussies behind the wheel.