US automakers labor costs

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

and we wonder why US cars suck so much... couldn't be because they are spending all their money on labor rather than quality parts?

An average of $73 per hour at GM and about $75 per hour at Chrysler. Over $140k average on labor per employee per year. Yeah... those poor union employees. No wonder so many of their brethren have been laid off in the past 5 years.
That's an average, which doesn't necessarily reflect what the guys on the floor are making.
From the story:

Ford, according to its annual report, paid $70.51 per hour in wages and benefits to its hourly workers last year.

That's hourly workers.

The company, as well as Chrysler Group and General Motors Corp., will seek to reduce costs to around $48 per hour, about the average hourly cost incurred by Toyota, Honda and Nissan Motor Co., company officials have said.

Down to $48, the average hourly incurred by Toyota, Honda and Nissan...

Hmmm... It seems that they are talking about the guy on the floor here, how many of the higher management are hourly workers?
That includes benefits. retirement, helath care, etc....

Why do you hate American workers SF ?

Or are you just letting corporate interests exploit your salary jealousy ?
US... sometimes I believe you say ignorant shit like that just to get people riled up. I understand that figure includes benefits. It said so quite clearly in the article. But it doesn't change the numbers. Salaries and benefits ON AVERAGE for hourly workers are in the mid six figures. That is insanely high for people that for the most part have a high school degree.

It has nothing to do with "hating American workers". It also has nothing to do with jealousy. It has to do with constantly hearing the auto unions bitch about how bad the corps take advantage of the workers and yet here we have a report showing the corps take very good care of them.... in fact vastly overpaying them for the skill level. Then the unions wonder why they outsource jobs.
US... sometimes I believe you say ignorant shit like that just to get people riled up. I understand that figure includes benefits. It said so quite clearly in the article. But it doesn't change the numbers. Salaries and benefits ON AVERAGE for hourly workers are in the mid six figures. That is insanely high for people that for the most part have a high school degree.

It has nothing to do with "hating American workers". It also has nothing to do with jealousy. It has to do with constantly hearing the auto unions bitch about how bad the corps take advantage of the workers and yet here we have a report showing the corps take very good care of them.... in fact vastly overpaying them for the skill level. Then the unions wonder why they outsource jobs.

Yep lets put some less skilled lower paid people in there. I am sure you would enjoy buying a lower quality less safe product.

Too bad they don't sell Yugo's anymore sounds like a car for you.

No matter what the job there are skill levels involved.
I don't begrudge american auto workers a decent living wage. Every country on the planet has auto unions. BMW plants in Germany do. Toyota plants in Japan do.

Our auto makers have to pay for health care, and retirement health insurance. I don't think BMW (in germany) or Toyota (in Japan) do.

What's all the hate for unions about?
"Yep lets put some less skilled lower paid people in there. I am sure you would enjoy buying a lower quality less safe product."

Less skilled? What a load of crap. Most people can be trained to do those jobs just as effectively. Or are you saying that only Americans are smart enough to be trained?

"Too bad they don't sell Yugo's anymore sounds like a car for you."

Seriously... where do you come up with such idiotic statements?

"No matter what the job there are skill levels involved."

No shit. Really? What an astute observation. Now you just need to realize that if you are paying 25-30% more for labor than you competitors for lesser quality cars... then you have a problem. That problem needs to be resolved.
"I don't begrudge american auto workers a decent living wage. Every country on the planet has auto unions. BMW plants in Germany do. Toyota plants in Japan do. "

A "decent living wage"???? $140k per year? ROFLMAO
why do you hate the USA SF ?

You want to lower our standards of living and remove health care from our workers...

You must be one of those noahides that AHZ warns us about.
$140k a year can't be wages.

It's got to be healthcare and benefits included.

We have the most expensive and wasteful healthcare system in the world. Sorry SF, but its the healthcare system you defend. So, its going to cost more money than a universal healthcare system.
"Yep SF the problem lies in those with degrees not those without them. ie management not labor."

There are certainly problems with management pay packages as well. No argument. But to act as if there isn't a problem with labor costs as well is simply naive.
"why do you hate the USA SF ?

You want to lower our standards of living and remove health care from our workers..."

I am done with you. These idiotic strawmen arguments of yours are tiresome and boring.
"$140k a year can't be wages. It's got to be healthcare and benefits included. "

Can you READ? If you can, then are you capable of comprehending what you read? It stated clearly in the article and we have reiterated multiple times on this thread that it includes benefits.

"We have the most expensive and wasteful healthcare system in the world. Sorry SF, but its the healthcare system you defend."

Where have I "defended" our healthcare system as it is? I have said repeatedly on other threads that our healthcare system needs a serious overhaul. Transferring the costs from the individual/corps to the US government does little to no good.

"So, its going to cost more money than a universal healthcare system."

Bullshit. Healthcare costs can be reduced without going to universal healthcare. If you truly think that the government can run it more efficiently you are also naive. Just look at the idiotic pill bill as an example of how efficient our government is. You can also look at Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare... all pathetically managed by our inept government.

Side Note: I AM NOT SAYING those programs should cease to exist... just that those programs are very poorly run.
$140k a year can't be wages.

It's got to be healthcare and benefits included.

We have the most expensive and wasteful healthcare system in the world. Sorry SF, but its the healthcare system you defend. So, its going to cost more money than a universal healthcare system.
Yet Toyotas sold here in the US are assembled in the US. Amazingly they have a high standard of living and keep costs low as well as sell one of the highest quality vehicles around. Astoundingly the others do not.

Realizing that cost basis analysis shows that the US companies are paying exceedingly higher than their competitors and putting out a lower quality vehicle doesn't mean you "hate unions", it means you realize WHY the US companies are being beat by the competition and WHY so many companies begin to outsource.

Add to that the constant barrage by the Union, yes here we are constantly barraged by them being 200 non-union employees in a company of over 50K employees who are for the most part unionized, about how the company treats us all so poorly.
Beginning Universal Health Care before an overhaul of the system only transfers the exceedingly high cost and does nothing to improve the system. We'd still be paying those high costs, it would just be another payroll tax added to the mix.
"Add to that the constant barrage by the Union, yes here we are constantly barraged by them being 200 non-union employees in a company of over 50K employees who are for the most part unionized, about how the company treats us all so poorly"

You work for a certain defense contractor here in CO? :)
As I said SF not a labor problem but a managemnt problem. the biggest sourse of our problems in the this country are due to poor management on many levels.
Yet Toyotas sold here in the US are assembled in the US. Amazingly they have a high standard of living and keep costs low as well as sell one of the highest quality vehicles around. Astoundingly the others do not.

Realizing that cost basis analysis shows that the US companies are paying exceedingly higher than their competitors and putting out a lower quality vehicle doesn't mean you "hate unions", it means you realize WHY the US companies are being beat by the competition and WHY so many companies begin to outsource.

Add to that the constant barrage by the Union, yes here we are constantly barraged by them being 200 non-union employees in a company of over 50K employees who are for the most part unionized, about how the company treats us all so poorly.

As I am saying poor management past and present.
Or did not management past agree to pay for helathcare , retirement and the high wages ?