You are right, putting aside the economic and other problems caused by COVID-19 which are transitory, America is dying. By America I mean the Republic that the Founders planned.
Like I've said a 1000 times the reasons for the collapse of America into Thirdworldism are. ..
* Mass unregulated immigration (legal and illegal) from developing nations.
* The legacy of slavery. Lincoln desperately wanted to expatriate freed US slaves to Africa and to Latin America, but was assassinated in 1865 before he could implement the policy
* Socialism in the form of Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism and Postmodernism that first arrived in American Universities in the late 1960's and are now endemic throughout the US academy.
* The legacy of second-wave feminism which has caused the White birthrate to flat-line by destroying the traditional nuclear family; the abortion industry (another by-product of Radical Socialist Feminism in the 1970's which has destroyed millions a unborn White babies),
And that's it.
And you're right, BTW, there's nothing you can do to save the situation.
Finally, you're not supposed to talk about any of this. The White Americans can't cope with facing the the truth.