In any case, foreigners should be allowed into the US freely with no condition to join the military.
No they shouldn't. Citizenship has privelidges which should not be given away wantonly.
Invasions are not cool. The opportunities here should go to current citizens first.
You would think that if this war was so justified American men would be beating the doors down to enlist. After December 7th 1941 there were lines at recruiting offices. Now the great US needs to solicit non-Americans to do our fighting for us. And some of you are lauding this like it is a great step forward for the US.
It is exactly the point. If American men are not willing to step up to bring this clusterfuck to an end then maybe it really isn't worth it. Maybe the men in this country by their inaction are trying to tell us something. Relying on people that have no investment in this country is dangerous. Rome relied on foreign troops to preserve the Empire and that ultimately failed. Not the only reason but one of them. The French Foreign Legion is a HORRIBLE example. Joining the Foreign Legion is not done lightly, the training is harder than any basic training. Men want to be Legionaires because of its history. Not to become French Citizens. It that was your only motivation you would fail horribly and still not be a french citizen.Not the point.
Rome relied on foreign troops to preserve the Empire and that ultimately failed.
Water, did you want to address this dear? Perhaps you misspoke earlier when you called cypress an idiot?