US Navy names new aircraft carrier after mass murderers Bill Clinton And George W Bush

Just close you eyes when you come to the comments about President-Elect Bone Spurs.
Trump got a medical exemption. That's common to many people rejected for military service. Whether it was true or not is debatable. You do know that about 30 to 40% of all draftees are rejected for military service don't you?

In Clinton's case, he knew he was going to get drafted. He signed up for ROTC in Arkansas to get an exemption. Upon that being granted for entering ROTC, Clinton dropped out of the program thus avoiding the draft. There's no debate there that his actions were done to avoid the draft.
Our carriers should be named after what's most important to the nation like,

Constitution (taken by a sailing frigate currently)
Enterprise to reflect that America is exactly that.
United States
Veteran to honor all who served
Trump got a medical exemption. That's common to many people rejected for military service. Whether it was true or not is debatable. You do know that about 30 to 40% of all draftees are rejected for military service don't you?

In Clinton's case, he knew he was going to get drafted. He signed up for ROTC in Arkansas to get an exemption. Upon that being granted for entering ROTC, Clinton dropped out of the program thus avoiding the draft. There's no debate there that his actions were done to avoid the draft.
trump got the exemption because the doc did a favor for his father. Bone spurs don't go away and trump never produced an x-ray. Even if he had the x-ray today, the bone spurs would still show up.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'​

What's really hilarious about these fucks draft dodging is that if they were of average to above average education and intellect, they weren't going to Vietnam in any case. They had to serve two years when drafted. That meant that most of the first year was taken up with training and unit readiness. To be able to do a tour in Vietnam, you had to have a year+ left of service.

It was easier for the military to back fill draftees into state side billets than send them to Vietnam except in exceptional circumstances. Most draftees that went to Vietnam volunteered to extend to give them the time needed to complete that one-year tour.
trump got the exemption because the doc did a favor for his father. Bone spurs don't go away and trump never produced an x-ray. Even if he had the x-ray today, the bone spurs would still show up.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'​

You are missing the point. Trump's medical exemption was granted. Whether he deserved that is debatable, but it was granted.