US supreme court rules Trump has ‘absolute immunity’ for official acts

So in your mind there's no way an attack on a US citizen on US soil could be justified as an official act?

What Obama did was over 10 years ago - long before the SCOTUS affirmed immunity for the president. Why do you think he was never prosecuted? Why do you think virtually everyone on every side said he was immune from prosecution as president?

See, you of the left are trying to pretend that this ruling is something new and radical. It is in fact simply confirmation of recognized law for 150 years.

What was new and radical was the Biden Regime attempting to prosecute political opponents for acts done under the duties of the presidency. What the Biden Regime did was a frontal attack on our democracy. The court stopped him and preserved our democracy unchanged.
Sotomayor has an IQ in the low 60's. Obviously someone else took the bar for her, as they did with Ted Kennedy. Sotomayor is too dumb to work at burger king, much less sit on the high court. She just does what Kagan tells her. She has no understanding of what is going on in the court.
Sotomayor graduated from high school as valedictorian, Princeton with summa cum laude, and Yale Law School. trump had no honors in college (or at any other point in his education), and was unable to get into law school, or even UPenn undergrad through normal admissions.

Sotomayor's legal decisions show a complex understanding of the law.
Diplomatic immunity allows diplomats and employees of international organizations to perform their official duties without fear of criminal or civil suit.

But its OK for them to be above the law
No, they are under the laws of their own country, not under our laws. Their own country can wave their immunity, and often do. If their country fails to take care of the situation, then we can declare them persona non grata, or even declare war on the country.
They put a 71 y.o. Jill but not a hot Melania. :palm:
Jill Biden is an ex-model, who is good looking for her age. More importantly, she is intelligent.

melania was also an ex-model, but she adds pornography and prostitution into the mix. she is not intelligent, and consider's her most important statement to be, "be best."

More importantly, melania refuses to sit for interviews. The cover advertises who was interviewed, and would be false advertisement in melania's case.
What Obama did was over 10 years ago - long before the SCOTUS affirmed immunity for the president. Why do you think he was never prosecuted? Why do you think virtually everyone on every side said he was immune from prosecution as president?

See, you of the left are trying to pretend that this ruling is something new and radical. It is in fact simply confirmation of recognized law for 150 years.

What was new and radical was the Biden Regime attempting to prosecute political opponents for acts done under the duties of the presidency. What the Biden Regime did was a frontal attack on our democracy. The court stopped him and preserved our democracy unchanged.
What’s new and radical is that Trump’s communications with DOJ to overturn the election is immune. To boot, even his motives cannot be brought into the mix. Motive has ALWAYS been an element in criminal matters. But now, it isn’t.
They can't jail them though.
Common misconception. Diplomatic staff who commit crimes are usually either jailed in their own country, or if their own country waves diplomatic immunity they are jailed in the host country.

It is surprisingly rare that criminals get the protection of their own country. trump created one of the exceptions to this. he was willing to put diplomatic relations with the UK in danger to support a drunken US government employ who killed a British motorcyclist. his brazen disregard for civilized norms put the whole world on notice, which trump said was the whole point of the exercise.
Sotomayor graduated from high school as valedictorian, Princeton with summa cum laude, and Yale Law School. trump had no honors in college (or at any other point in his education), and was unable to get into law school, or even UPenn undergrad through normal admissions.

Sotomayor's legal decisions show a complex understanding of the law.

There is the honor that makes you cry every night - President of the United States. He'll be starting his second term in January of 2025.
There is the honor that makes you cry every night - President of the United States. He'll be starting his second term in January of 2025.
Maybe trump will become president in january. I certainly hope not. There will be a lot of crying if he does... And a lot of pain causing that crying.
What’s new and radical is that Trump’s communications with DOJ to overturn the election is immune.


Who did Emanuel Goldstein "communicate" in the DOJ with?

You Stalinists are creating new lies as your collapse gets clearer?

To boot, even his motives cannot be brought into the mix. Motive has ALWAYS been an element in criminal matters. But now, it isn’t.

To you Stalinists - anyone not designated by the party being president is criminal. Those who pose a credible threat to absolute power by the party you throw into prison - as the third world Junta you are. The court smacked your nefarious and evil plots down last week - not only your Idi Amin level throwing the opposition candidate in prison - but over 700 political prisoners as well.

Millions of Americans oppose you Communists, but wouldn't do so publicilly for fear of being thrown in prison.
Maybe trump will become president in january. I certainly hope not. There will be a lot of crying if he does... And a lot of pain causing that crying.

But for the Nation, for the Constitutional Republic, the pain will be over. The long Nightmare of the Biden Police State will come to an end.