US to help 10K Refugees!


JPP Modarater

"The United States plans to take in about 10,000 Burundian refugees -- many of whom fled their landlocked Central African nation as far back as 1972 -- from Tanzania, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday."

This is great.
This is not great, maybe necessary but not great. It shows the complete failure of the African continent to have any rational civilation. Why is that? Why do Africans continue to kill each other in such a manner?
This is not great, maybe necessary but not great. It shows the complete failure of the African continent to have any rational civilation. Why is that? Why do Africans continue to kill each other in such a manner?

what's the problem toby? Afraid they are going to cut you off on your trips to governments teets every month?

speaking of which, if you're so well as to type everyday, why can't you do some data entry? Why are you sitting at home in your underwear posting on a message board all day?
First - Thank you Madonna, for using your fame in a constructive manner by bringing attention to the issue.

But I do see Dix's point (as expressed on the other thread) - is this the maximum good that she could have done with her efforts? The dilemna of much good to one person versus a little good to many. In a few years, this child may become a spokesman for a long term effort in this area, as it will not be solved overnight. Perhaps that is Madonna's intent in choosing a particular child - to raise a leader and a spokesman.
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First - Thank you Madonna, for using your fame in a constructive manner by bringing attention to the issue.

But I do see Dix's point - is this the maximum good that she could have done with her efforts? The dilemna of much good to one person versus a little good to many. In a few years, this child may become a spokesman for a long term effort in this area, as it will not be solved overnight. Perhaps that is Madonna's intent in choosing a particular child.
Umm Trog, wrong thread I think....
My first thought opun reading the title of this thread was about what all the Bush appointees were going to do in a couple of years :)
First - Thank you Madonna, for using your fame in a constructive manner by bringing attention to the issue.

But I do see Dix's point (as expressed on the other thread) - is this the maximum good that she could have done with her efforts? The dilemna of much good to one person versus a little good to many. In a few years, this child may become a spokesman for a long term effort in this area, as it will not be solved overnight. Perhaps that is Madonna's intent in choosing a particular child - to raise a leader and a spokesman.

I don't think its fair to take credit away from what she's doing by pontificating on what she could have done. There are plenty of people still displaced from Hurricane Katrina, you may have given money, but you COULD have let them stay in your home right?
Unless you're going to apply that rule to everyone, its not fair to single her out. We all could do more, not just Madonna. The fact is, she's taking a child under her wing and will probably save his life. I can't say I've ever done that. Not many people can.
What are you going to do if these Africans go to the amusement park Lady? They may make you wait in line! LOL
What are you going to do if these Africans go to the amusement park Lady? They may make you wait in line! LOL

**we give that a joke a 4. It could have been really funny. You covered the basics: you wove in a past experience of mine with a hypothetical that included irony from something I'm praising now. It was short, sweet and to the point, however the delivery was really bad and the LOL after something that was marginally almost amusing made you lose points. But don't be discouraged. Do try again. Ummm Kay?
I don't think its fair to take credit away from what she's doing by pontificating on what she could have done. There are plenty of people still displaced from Hurricane Katrina, you may have given money, but you COULD have let them stay in your home right?
Unless you're going to apply that rule to everyone, its not fair to single her out. We all could do more, not just Madonna. The fact is, she's taking a child under her wing and will probably save his life. I can't say I've ever done that. Not many people can.
I agree with you, and it's a perpetual dilemna - do I shelter one family in my home or ensure that 10 families are sheltered albeit in a gym? Either is valid as long as it's toward the good. There are so many facets to consider.

For example, my church does a lot of work in HAiti. The school is established, and the kitchen is built, staffed, and funded so the kids get at least one meal a day. The end point paradox is that we might just be creating a class of kids who will emigrate later - brain drain.
I agree with you, and it's a perpetual dilemna - do I shelter one family in my home or ensure that 10 families are sheltered albeit in a gym? Either is valid as long as it's toward the good. There are so many facets to consider.

Yep. I just think the over-analytics by pseudo-intellectuals on Madonna's adoption does a complete disservice to the cause. She should be given kudos. Instead every tom, dick and harry are taking advantage of the spotlight just to get themselves heard even if its to criticize a good deed.
I like the people from Africa they are usually very pro America and vote Republican. They know from experence how it is to live with radical goverments.