US to help 10K Refugees!

How so US? Are they killing tribes across America? Are they killing people because of religion somewhere? How is this goverment radical like African goverments? Please educate me.
We do seem to be killing people because of religion toby. Preemptive invasion and occupation of an entire country. the massive national debt, yes that sure is conservative now. a president promoting torture, and ignoring the geneva convention and US law ;) Just a few items
LOL, usc every time I read a toby quote I think of that thread, where toby's gloating about how much a$$ he kicks and then you thank someone later in the thread for quoting his post, because he was on ignore! That was a classic.
Libs go off on all kinds of tangets when they can't refute a simple statement. This post has nothing to do with Iraq.
Libs go off on all kinds of tangets when they can't refute a simple statement. This post has nothing to do with Iraq.

Meanwhile conservatives such as yourself just disappear when they are asked simple questions which they can't or won't answer. Why do you continue to dodge simple questions about your continuing mendacity???

What are you afraid of???

What are you hiding from???

Why won't you provide links for your unsupported allegations and or admit that you have posted fraudulent statements???
LOL, usc every time I read a toby quote I think of that thread, where toby's gloating about how much a$$ he kicks and then you thank someone later in the thread for quoting his post, because he was on ignore! That was a classic.

Thanks LadyT, I might need to put him on ignore again, he is just such a target he is hard to ignore without help. Uh OH! do you think i need to go to the betty ford clinic for toby zinging addiction ?
Thanks LadyT, I might need to put him on ignore again, he is just such a target he is hard to ignore without help. Uh OH! do you think i need to go to the betty ford clinic for toby zinging addiction ?

Naw, he's easier to get rid of than a pesky mosquito, all you have to do is ask him to support his lies and he disappears faster than a three day old fly in a hot
house. I imagine he is lying on his back somewhere with his legs pointed upwards right now.