US white population declines and Generation ‘Z-Plus’ is minority white, census shows

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The U.S. Census Bureau’s release of race and age statistics for 2017 points to two noteworthy milestones about the nation’s increasingly aging white and growing diverse population. First, for the first time since the Census Bureau has released these annual statistics, they show an absolute decline in the nation’s white non-Hispanic population—accelerating a phenomenon that was not projected to occur until the next decade.

Second, the new numbers show that for the first time there are more children who are minorities than who are white, at every age from zero to nine. This means we are on the cusp of seeing the first minority white generation, born in 2007 and later, which perhaps we can dub Generation “Z-Plus.”

The more children they have .... the more welfare they get . It’s not rocket science .

Who were the geniuses that demanded means based welfare programs in place of universal programs in the first place? There literally is not a welfare system of you aren't a single mother, like it's the minimum requirement. You did this so you could demean and stigmatize them in typical racist fashion. Because black people are disproportionately poor, by definition they will be disproportionate recipients of any means based program. What we need to do is eliminate the massive gap in wealth between white and black families.

The average white family is worth over 100k, the average black family is worth a sum total of 7k. That is ridiculous and inexcusable. It is a relict of slavery and the failure after the Civil War to make former slaves beneficiaries of the same homestead act programs that are to a large extent responsible for the wealth of modern white families. It created a massive, racially bound class of tenants contrasted with a racial class of owners.

Asians have a large amount of wealth but to a large extent this is because Asian immigrants are mostly from the upper class of whatever society they immigrated from. This is a result of the deliberate reorientation of our immigration system to a "merit based" one, most Asian immigrants came in after that reorientation, they were the educated and the elite of their societies who could afford the things necessary to immigrate on "merit" (ie already being privileged and wealthy). Latinos and Black people are the descendants of common working people and farmers.

I oppose welfare because the really problems in our society will not be solved by handouts. I want to eliminate the parasitic nature of wealth and reward workers of all races so that they will not need these subsidies. My welfare is wages.
Yet the gap in the level of superiority continues to widen in the favor of whites.

Lmso. IQ scores have long been converging. Whites "superiority" of wealth in the form of their homestead act handouts a century back has diverged, this is of course a symptom of the broader divergence in wealth between the poor and the privileged special snowflakes.
Average white family was given 160 acre quarter sections under the homestead act. But blacks are of course endless mocked for thinking they'd be given 40 acre quarter quarter sections after being freed, at the same time whites were still being given 160. Typical American racism. Give every black family 160 acres.
You aren’t white ....

Bitch I come from a line of slave traders and slave owners who immigrated from northern Ireland in the 1760s. My family stole from the natives of Mississippi back in the early 1820s and have inhabited the area ever since, we are some of the first inhabitants of my county, before the place every has its modern towns. I am the whitest fucker here, my skin will blind you, I'm a fucking ginger. You're just an ignorant racist fuck who can do nothing but whine and resent and refuse to fix the mess that your and my ancestors created in their ignorance.
Bitch I come from a line of slave traders and slave owners who immigrated from northern Ireland in the 1760s. My family stole from the natives of Mississippi back in the early 1820s and have inhabited the area ever since, we are some of the first inhabitants of my county, before the place every has its modern towns. I am the whitest fucker here, my skin will blind you, I'm a fucking ginger. You're just an ignorant racist fuck who can do nothing but whine and resent and refuse to fix the mess that your and my ancestors created in their ignorance.

My ancestors didn't own slaves.

You can't fix something by giving to those that weren't slaves something funded by those that never owned them.

Sounds to me as if you aren't interested in making things better but making yourself feel about and ease your white guilt.
Average white family was given 160 acre quarter sections under the homestead act. But blacks are of course endless mocked for thinking they'd be given 40 acre quarter quarter sections after being freed, at the same time whites were still being given 160. Typical American racism. Give every black family 160 acres.

My white family wasn't given 160 acres.
poor cracka billy

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It's hidden because an inferior POS is a coward.

Prove your cowardice, boy. I command you to do so as your superior.