US white population declines and Generation ‘Z-Plus’ is minority white, census shows

The more children they have .... the more welfare they get . It’s not rocket science .

fucking racist scum licker

You racists are the most hated people on the planet

everyone fucking hates you

we don't hate black people


and you chose that ass brain
My ancestors didn't own slaves.

You can't fix something by giving to those that weren't slaves something funded by those that never owned them.

Sounds to me as if you aren't interested in making things better but making yourself feel about and ease your white guilt.

you live a racist state of toilet brain
My ancestors didn't own slaves.

You can't fix something by giving to those that weren't slaves something funded by those that never owned them.

Sounds to me as if you aren't interested in making things better but making yourself feel about and ease your white guilt.

Neither you nor I can be held responsible for slavery that occurred in the past, guilt cannot be inherited. However, the United States government still exists, and still bears the guilt of enabling this. And a right to compensation *can* be inherited. The legal right to reparations of the ancestors of slaves has a clear legal principle behind it. From the still extant US government, to the descendants of slaves. Not from white people to black people. Regardless of whether or not your ancestors owned slaves, they chose to freely immigrate to a land who's government bore this legal and ethical responsibility. You cannot complain when public funds of your government are used to pay a debt that that government owes.
Neither you nor I can be held responsible for slavery that occurred in the past, guilt cannot be inherited. However, the United States government still exists, and still bears the guilt of enabling this. And a right to compensation *can* be inherited. The legal right to reparations of the ancestors of slaves has a clear legal principle behind it. From the still extant US government, to the descendants of slaves. Not from white people to black people. Regardless of whether or not your ancestors owned slaves, they chose to freely immigrate to a land who's government bore this legal and ethical responsibility. You cannot complain when public funds of your government are used to pay a debt that that government owes.

Those that support reparations for slavery think we can. Reparations for slavery is nothing more than a plan to give those that weren't slaves something funded by those that never owned slaves. My ancestors didn't own slaves but you can bet your ass that I, and many like me, would in some way pay a portion of those reparations if it was ever passed.

Guilt isn't inherited. However, someone can place guilt upon themselves because of what they perceive from the past.

The government doesn't owe a debt to descendents of slaves. Those in the government at that time aren't alive today.
It would be pretty amazing if none of your 19th century ancestors were homestead act beneficiaries, or beneficiaries of one of the numerous other real estate giveaways that occurred in the time.

In order for you to say that, you'd have to claim that you know more about my family's history than I do. I can say with absolute certainty that no family member of mine was given 160 acres. If you can prove otherwise, do so.