Hoosier daddy is dutch uncle
Is that so?
Hoosier daddy is dutch uncle
Look at this beauty:
He cares so little that he spent a considerable period of time telling the world how little he cares.
Is that so?
I think so. I started a thread and thread banned dutch uncle but Hoosier Daddy showed up. When I said I thought he was dutch uncle he bailed.
That's a lot of not caring
Ain't it, though?
It's like the morons who tell me they're "putting me on ignore" all the time even though they already told me I'm on "permanent ignore".
Must be "double-secret ignore".
When imbeciles like this thrust obvious lies upon the public, they obviously have lost all credibility. I don't see Biden pouting media misinformation here when there is quite obviously valid and obvious reason! Real funny how instead Biden thrust this lgbt sicko into the spotlight thus is behind this misinformation.
Sickos like the LGBT ignore the fact that males are born with a penis. From there they lie then have been blubbering and whining that you not going along with their sick, filthy and extremely offensive lies hurts their feelings like anyone should give a rats ass that a liars feelings are hurt for being caught lying to people! These sicko's belong in insane asylums but globalists think it's funny to bait them then assist them with forcing their rubbish to divide citizens over complete idiocy rhetoric. How can anyone in the USA armed forces even come close to trusting someone whey they are not even willing to accept themselves for what they are while thinking anyone else should have to put up with their sick and pathetic lies and deceptions! Oh right the kind of lunatic you would trust eh.
They have this sicko thrusting lgbt lies and deceptions on the US Armed forces to try and make every soldier as sick and pathetic lying intellectual coward as the lgbt, like they have also been doing to innocent little children in public schools! It's disgusting, it's a complete mockery, it's infuriating, it's unacceptable and inexcusable.
This is the result of the sick and filthy globalist mentality thrust upon our officials and media for decades. Calling this thing a woman is an insult to our human female gender. A sick and filthy mockery such sickos as globalists along with their sock puppets represent.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
I'm pretty sure that was because Butch is just a pussy, not that he and Hoosier Mommy are the same account.
Hoosier Mommy was on an extended involuntary vacation recently and Butchie boy has been posting his pussy slime the whole time.
When one account is banned - whether it's a real ban or just a thread ban, so are the socks, or at least that's the way it's supposed to work.
Ask Rune what happened when he got banned and tried to sneak back with a sock.
Or PM me for the hilarious details, if you prefer.
There is no automatic ban of a sock. Forum moderators will also ban a known sock, but that's not always something they catch.
The purpose of any sock is to sneak past bans. Generally forum moderators will try to watch for socks, but sometimes they sneak through. The sock stays after that, sort like a backup account to get around any bans or thread bans.
I moderate another forum, you see.
Dutch and Hoosier are always accusing others of being socks. To me that simply indicates they themselves are socks and are just projecting. I think Yakuda has a valid point here.
When one account is banned - whether it's a real ban or just a thread ban, so are the socks, or at least that's the way it's supposed to work.