Useful idiot Trump and the breaking of Social Security
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.
Here's more about this prick and his agenda..
Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.
Statement on Trump’s Budget Director Lying About Trump’s Promise Not to Cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
(Washington, DC) — The following is a statement from Nancy Altman, Founding Co-Director of Social Security Works, in reaction to OMB Director Mick Mulvaney claiming that Trump’s campaign promise was to “save” Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and that Republican plans to cut the programs (which Mulvaney says Trump is going to “look at”) would be consistent with that promise:
“Mick Mulvaney and Republicans in Congress are attempting to rewrite history. Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly and unequivocally promised not to cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, even specifically ruling out one of the GOP’s favorite cuts, raising the retirement age. No cuts for anyone, period.
Mulvaney and other Republican elites, who hate Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, are now claiming that Trump was simply promising to “save” these programs. Like the infamous comment about destroying the Vietnam village to save it, they argue that cutting or even dismantling these programs “saves” them. In this twisted logic, Trump can cut these vital benefits, and not break his campaign promise not to cut them!
Here's more about this prick and his agenda..
Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.
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