Usefull idiot Trump and the breaking of Social Security


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Useful idiot Trump and the breaking of Social Security

Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Statement on Trump’s Budget Director Lying About Trump’s Promise Not to Cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
(Washington, DC) — The following is a statement from Nancy Altman, Founding Co-Director of Social Security Works, in reaction to OMB Director Mick Mulvaney claiming that Trump’s campaign promise was to “save” Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and that Republican plans to cut the programs (which Mulvaney says Trump is going to “look at”) would be consistent with that promise:

“Mick Mulvaney and Republicans in Congress are attempting to rewrite history. Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly and unequivocally promised not to cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, even specifically ruling out one of the GOP’s favorite cuts, raising the retirement age. No cuts for anyone, period.

Mulvaney and other Republican elites, who hate Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, are now claiming that Trump was simply promising to “save” these programs. Like the infamous comment about destroying the Vietnam village to save it, they argue that cutting or even dismantling these programs “saves” them. In this twisted logic, Trump can cut these vital benefits, and not break his campaign promise not to cut them!

Here's more about this prick and his agenda..

Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.
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Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Here's more about this prick and his agenda..

Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.

Social security has been broken for a very long time. Don't be stupid.
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Here's more about this prick and his agenda..

Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.

I would love to have all of my Social Security taxes privatized. Would my personal account get the employer match too, or just my contribution?
Social security pays out what in paid in. No more. It can not hit the treasury to pay for shortfalls. If they happen, the payouts will be smaller. SS cannot be broken. The baby boomers overpaid to make sure it was there when they came through. Alan Greenspan and Moynahan were in charge and they decided doubling withholding was the way to make sure it was there. They created a 3.5 trillion dollar fund, which is being used now, as it was intended.
The boomers are old and dying out. When they are gone, so will the problem be gone. The bankers have had their eyes on the SS pot since it was created. They are relentless and since the Republican party works for them, they will get it.
But it is all a web of lies they crafted to get that money. When they do, you will see what broken looks like.
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Here's more about this prick and his agenda..

Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.

It is already broken. It was broken the day it was created. You can blame FDR for this one. Soon or later the pyramid scheme must fail. It's only a matter of time.
It is already broken. It was broken the day it was created. You can blame FDR for this one. Soon or later the pyramid scheme must fail. It's only a matter of time.

Not a pyramid scheme. SS has never, in over 80 years missed a check and full payment. Are there banks who can do that? Nope, they are the real thieves and schemers as people who went through their crash of 2007-8 can attest. FDR saved a lot of people from starving in America. Of course, SS also pays checks to help kids whose wage-earning parent dies. That is how Paul Ryan managed to get through college. It pays for crippled people ,and mentally disabled (likeReubs) to survive too. We all know Repubs do not care about the poor and the disabled. They are annoyances.
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Trump isn't breaking SS; that's LAME and it is a LIE. Thread translation:


Not a pyramid scheme. SS has never, in over 80 years missed a check and full payment. Are there banks who can do that? Nope, they are the real thieves and schemers as people who went through their crash of 2007-8 can attest. FDR saved a lot of people from starving in America. Of course, SS also pays checks to help kids whose wage-earning parent dies. That is how Paul Ryan managed to get through college. It pays for crippled people ,and mentally disabled (likeReubs) to survive too. We all know Repubs do not care about the poor and the disabled. They are annoyances.

You willful idiot; banks don't have the power of creating law and raising taxes. Only an idiot thinks that SS is a good idea.

A scam where you are FORCED to pay into it, FORCED to pay the interest on the Government bonds they buy with your money and, the month that you die, your benefit expires. Unless you have a spouse, they then get a fraction of what you are getting.

A scam where the current payers are paying for past generations that have already retired before SS was fully funded.

A scam where if you had taken the same amounts and invested them into a 401K, the value would be millions, not thousands, and your heirs would have something after you die.
Not a pyramid scheme.
Yes it is. It was from the day it was created and signed into 'law' by FDR.
SS has never, in over 80 years missed a check and full payment.
Yes it has.
Are there banks who can do that?
Some new ones have.
Nope, they are the real thieves
Have they stolen from you? How?
and schemers
So I guess you have no bank account, eh?
as people who went through their crash of 2007-8 can attest.
Banks lost big in the 2007 crash, dude. If they schemed for THAT, they fucked up! (Actually, the Fed DID fuck up! It was the direct cause of the crash.)
FDR saved a lot of people from starving in America.
WRONG. FDR made the Great Depression Great. A LOT of people starved BECAUSE of FDR!
Of course, SS also pays checks to help kids whose wage-earning parent dies.
That is how Paul Ryan managed to get through college.
It pays for crippled people, and mentally disabled (likeReubs) to survive too.
Irrelevant. There is no constitutional authority for SS.
We all know Repubs do not care about the poor and the disabled. They are annoyances.

Bigotry. Capitalism brings the poor AND the disabled up through the creation of wealth. ANYONE can participate, including the poor and disabled.

I used to work for a disabled guy (lost both his legs to childhood polio) that started 4 businesses, all successful. He did not accept SS payments. He despises them.
The best piano turner I ever saw in action was totally blind, yet he was running a successful piano tuning business. His blindness resulted in extra sensitive hearing. He repaired pianos too, going strictly by feel and sound.
The Braille alphabet was invented by Louis Braille, blinded at the age of three. It is now the standard alphabet for blind readers.
Nikoli Tesla started in the U.S. with four cents in his pocket. He went on to become quite wealthy when he went to work for General Electric.

Don't tell ME that the poor and disabled are incapable of becoming well off. NONE of these people accepted help from the government.

You're a bigot. You are bigoted about Republicans, and you are bigoted about the poor and disabled. Your disgusting attitude is obvious for all to see. You can stuff it along with your Marxist attitude.
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Here's more about this prick and his agenda..

Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.

If Social Security is your primary "retirement" account, you have poor money management and personal financial planning skills.
Not a pyramid scheme. SS has never, in over 80 years missed a check and full payment. Are there banks who can do that? Nope, they are the real thieves and schemers as people who went through their crash of 2007-8 can attest. FDR saved a lot of people from starving in America. Of course, SS also pays checks to help kids whose wage-earning parent dies. That is how Paul Ryan managed to get through college. It pays for crippled people ,and mentally disabled (likeReubs) to survive too. We all know Repubs do not care about the poor and the disabled. They are annoyances.

We all know you left wing bleeding hearts claim to care about the poor and disabled. The problem with your claim is that you expect someone else to fund what you want in place.

There aren't but a few people for which I give a shit when it comes to things like this. You aren't one of them because you're not my responsibility.
Actually at getting fed up or being fed up with this Russian and GOPer fraud and criminal against humanity tRump, it appears there is a certain type of security on standby, and order to destroy this current tRump et al threat against Democracy and humanity and its earned and deserved benefits too.
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Actually at getting fed up or being fed up with this Russian and GOPer fraud and criminal against humanity tRump, it appears there is certain type of security on standby, order to destroy this current tRump et al threat against Democracy and humanity.

Argument by repetition fallacy. Inversion fallacy. Circular argument fallacy. The United States is not a democracy. It is a federated republic.
We all know you left wing bleeding hearts claim to care about the poor and disabled. The problem with your claim is that you expect someone else to fund what you want in place.

There aren't but a few people for which I give a shit when it comes to things like this. You aren't one of them because you're not my responsibility.

We pay for SS with a tax deduction. Everyone who survives long enough gets it. Even haters like you ill get SS. You never know what life will deal you. A moderate safety plan makes sense for individuals and for society.The driving force for SS was old people suffering abject poverty. I get it, you do not care about others and are exempt from tragedies hitting you.