We pay for SS with a tax deduction. Everyone who survives long enough gets it. Even haters like you ill get SS. You never know what life will deal you. A moderate safety plan makes sense for individuals and for society.The driving force for SS was old people suffering abject poverty. I get it, you do not care about others and are exempt from tragedies hitting you.
There are people getting benefits through programs under the SS umbrella that never paid a dime into it.
It's not my responsibility to care about others. It's theirs to care about themselves. If they don't care enough about themselves to take care of themselves, they're telling me they're not a good investment.
You're right, I don't know what life will deal me. Nor do I think I'm exempt from tragedies. The difference is you expect others to offset the cost of your tragedies and I'd rather be dead than know even you were mandated by law to pay one cent toward mine.
As for a moderate safety plan, I took it upon myself to make sure that I'll have what I need, and then some, in old age. That others don't plan as well doesn't mean those of us that do should offset their bad choices. You are also correct in that' I'll get SS. I won't need it but will take every dime that is owed to me for one reason and one reason only. It's because I was required to put into it. I'll gladly take it even though it won't need it knowing that someone, somewhere that was a poor planner could use it.