Usefull idiot Trump and the breaking of Social Security

We pay for SS with a tax deduction. Everyone who survives long enough gets it. Even haters like you ill get SS. You never know what life will deal you. A moderate safety plan makes sense for individuals and for society.The driving force for SS was old people suffering abject poverty. I get it, you do not care about others and are exempt from tragedies hitting you.

There are people getting benefits through programs under the SS umbrella that never paid a dime into it.

It's not my responsibility to care about others. It's theirs to care about themselves. If they don't care enough about themselves to take care of themselves, they're telling me they're not a good investment.

You're right, I don't know what life will deal me. Nor do I think I'm exempt from tragedies. The difference is you expect others to offset the cost of your tragedies and I'd rather be dead than know even you were mandated by law to pay one cent toward mine.

As for a moderate safety plan, I took it upon myself to make sure that I'll have what I need, and then some, in old age. That others don't plan as well doesn't mean those of us that do should offset their bad choices. You are also correct in that' I'll get SS. I won't need it but will take every dime that is owed to me for one reason and one reason only. It's because I was required to put into it. I'll gladly take it even though it won't need it knowing that someone, somewhere that was a poor planner could use it.
There are people getting benefits through programs under the SS umbrella that never paid a dime into it.

It's not my responsibility to care about others. It's theirs to care about themselves. If they don't care enough about themselves to take care of themselves, they're telling me they're not a good investment.

You're right, I don't know what life will deal me. Nor do I think I'm exempt from tragedies. The difference is you expect others to offset the cost of your tragedies and I'd rather be dead than know even you were mandated by law to pay one cent toward mine.

As for a moderate safety plan, I took it upon myself to make sure that I'll have what I need, and then some, in old age. That others don't plan as well doesn't mean those of us that do should offset their bad choices. You are also correct in that' I'll get SS. I won't need it but will take every dime that is owed to me for one reason and one reason only. It's because I was required to put into it. I'll gladly take it even though it won't need it knowing that someone, somewhere that was a poor planner could use it.

Poor logic again. Nobody has the certainty of what will happen to them and surely cannot predict others to pay for their problems. 16 percent of SS goes to disabled workers and children of disabled workers too.
You do not know what will befall you, but in America, a serious illness can bankrupt a wealthy family.
Poor logic again. Nobody has the certainty of what will happen to them and surely cannot predict others to pay for their problems. 16 percent of SS goes to disabled workers and children of disabled workers too.
You do not know what will befall you, but in America, a serious illness can bankrupt a wealthy family.

You said "we pay for SS with a tax deduction". I pointed out that there are people getting benefits under the SS umbrella that never paid a single dime into it. You agree, therefore, you claim has been invalidated.

I don't know what will befall me. Neither do you. The difference between us is you would expect others to provide you with something thinking it is owed to you and I'd rather be dead than get a dime even you were forced to pay for something that happened to me.
You said "we pay for SS with a tax deduction". I pointed out that there are people getting benefits under the SS umbrella that never paid a single dime into it. You agree, therefore, you claim has been invalidated.

I don't know what will befall me. Neither do you. The difference between us is you would expect others to provide you with something thinking it is owed to you and I'd rather be dead than get a dime even you were forced to pay for something that happened to me.

Actually, it is a payroll deduction. Just trying to make America a kinder and more gentle place that cares about those who are less fortunate. If something happened to you, society would pay to help you. That is who we are. It is obviously not who you are.
Social security pays out what in paid in. No more. It can not hit the treasury to pay for shortfalls. If they happen, the payouts will be smaller. SS cannot be broken. The baby boomers overpaid to make sure it was there when they came through. Alan Greenspan and Moynahan were in charge and they decided doubling withholding was the way to make sure it was there. They created a 3.5 trillion dollar fund, which is being used now, as it was intended.
The boomers are old and dying out. When they are gone, so will the problem be gone. The bankers have had their eyes on the SS pot since it was created. They are relentless and since the Republican party works for them, they will get it.
But it is all a web of lies they crafted to get that money. When they do, you will see what broken looks like.
It will look like the tax cut.
It will look like the tax cut.

You will still get it taken out of your check, but it will go to banks instead of the SS administration. SS is run on under 2 percent of revenue. If you think banks will do that, you are daft. They want that money. Bankers and the wealthy need more money. People on SS are wealthy and living big, not like the poor bankers.
As a result of more of #45's illegitimate and treasonous cabinet members such as Barr and Ross finally getting b!tch slapped at being held in contempt of Congress and getting thumped with non rigged polls, it appears the breaking up of this felonious, fraudulent and Russian/GOPer owned tRump mob of degenerates is gaining momentum:

The New York Times just dropped a brutal story reporting that President Trump is instructing his aides to lie about his poor standing in internal polls. And a new poll just made their job much more difficult.

Quinnipiac University has for the first time conducted national head-to-head polls matching up Trump and some of the leading Democratic presidential hopefuls. None of the matchups is good for Trump. "

House panel votes contempt for Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross"
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Actually, it is a payroll deduction. Just trying to make America a kinder and more gentle place that cares about those who are less fortunate. If something happened to you, society would pay to help you. That is who we are. It is obviously not who you are.

Not when many of those receiving it haven't paid a dime into it through a payroll deduction. Tell me what child receiving benefits has ever paid into the system.

How is society going to pay to help me when I wouldn't ask for their help?

There's an easier way for you to achieve what you claim you support and for me to get what I want, too. If you know of a situation where someone is in need, provide them help personally with your money. That way they get what you say they deserve, you get to prove you really care, and I'm not forced to fund something to satisfy your bleeding heart mindset.
Not when many of those receiving it haven't paid a dime into it through a payroll deduction. Tell me what child receiving benefits has ever paid into the system.

How is society going to pay to help me when I wouldn't ask for their help?

There's an easier way for you to achieve what you claim you support and for me to get what I want, too. If you know of a situation where someone is in need, provide them help personally with your money. That way they get what you say they deserve, you get to prove you really care, and I'm not forced to fund something to satisfy your bleeding heart mindset.

You are such a simple selfish prick and proud of it. You are out of the mainstream in America. FDR instituted policies to help those that life has dealt a blow to and survival is tough. He saw old people were suffering and starving. He developed SS out of the kindness of his heart. That is not an emotion you are capable of. Your super, super hard earned money goes to the wealthy and you do not care. They are the ones looting you and you always look in the wrong direction. You are a Righty.
Your level of compassion is abysmal and matches your simple Trumpian greed.
Trump has surrounded himself with fuckwads like Mulvaney whose sole purpose is to break Social Security.

Here's more about this prick and his agenda..

Wall Street wants to privatize your Social Security so if there is a way to give them the Social Security benefits which belongs to all Trump supporters, I say that would be appropriate.

they want to level the American people with the third worlds population

that is and has been the republican partys plan for decades
Yes it is. It was from the day it was created and signed into 'law' by FDR.

Yes it has.

Some new ones have.

Have they stolen from you? How?

So I guess you have no bank account, eh?

Banks lost big in the 2007 crash, dude. If they schemed for THAT, they fucked up! (Actually, the Fed DID fuck up! It was the direct cause of the crash.)

WRONG. FDR made the Great Depression Great. A LOT of people starved BECAUSE of FDR!

Irrelevant. There is no constitutional authority for SS.

Bigotry. Capitalism brings the poor AND the disabled up through the creation of wealth. ANYONE can participate, including the poor and disabled.

I used to work for a disabled guy (lost both his legs to childhood polio) that started 4 businesses, all successful. He did not accept SS payments. He despises them.
The best piano turner I ever saw in action was totally blind, yet he was running a successful piano tuning business. His blindness resulted in extra sensitive hearing. He repaired pianos too, going strictly by feel and sound.
The Braille alphabet was invented by Louis Braille, blinded at the age of three. It is now the standard alphabet for blind readers.
Nikoli Tesla started in the U.S. with four cents in his pocket. He went on to become quite wealthy when he went to work for General Electric.

Don't tell ME that the poor and disabled are incapable of becoming well off. NONE of these people accepted help from the government.

You're a bigot. You are bigoted about Republicans, and you are bigoted about the poor and disabled. Your disgusting attitude is obvious for all to see. You can stuff it along with your Marxist attitude.

What a silly contrarian you are. just say no over and over and you think you have accomplished something. try and add information and back your crappy posts.
Educate yourself or at least read a freakin' book or something.

This Chart Shows How Reaganomics Has Destroyed The Middle Class
A chart created by three renowned economists shows what "trickle down" economics has done to average Americans since 1980.

...deleted Holy Link...

The New York Times is not a valid reference. You cannot use it with me. The middle class has not been destroyed.
You are such a simple selfish prick and proud of it. You are out of the mainstream in America. FDR instituted policies to help those that life has dealt a blow to and survival is tough. He saw old people were suffering and starving. He developed SS out of the kindness of his heart. That is not an emotion you are capable of. Your super, super hard earned money goes to the wealthy and you do not care. They are the ones looting you and you always look in the wrong direction. You are a Righty.
Your level of compassion is abysmal and matches your simple Trumpian greed.

Thinking someone should have something another person earned handed to them because something bad happened is not mainstream. No one is responsible for taking care of you because something bad happened to you.

No one has looted me, boy.

I have compassion where it warranted. You seem to think it's your place to determine on my behalf when that should be. You're no different than any other bleeding heart leftist that claims to care then promotes someone you think has too much money being forced to fund what you should personally be doing if you actually cared as much as you claimed.
What a silly contrarian you are. just say no over and over and you think you have accomplished something. try and add information and back your crappy posts.

I've accomplished plenty. You believe it to be so or you wouldn't be whining about how you think I should be forced to hand over what I earned to some freeloader unwilling to do so. Thanks.