Christ this Allen dude is a dope.

And to think, he was the conservative's only realistic hope for the GOP nomination in 2008.

Guess the GOP is stuck with maverick moderates, and liberals: McCain, Guilliani,
New poll taken after ALLEN's Ham Sandwitch and JEWS remark shows the race at a dead heat!

If Allen looses A Democratic Senate is a VERY good likelyhood!

In today's mechanized climate too close to call means a stolen and fraudulent Republican victory. I still would like to see what the percentages need to be, to be considered theft and fraud proof.

This seems to me to be the real question in this year's election. Perhaps after we get that number we will have a better idea of just how high the bar has been raised.
Webb is running a fine Dem attack. First accuse Allen of being a racist then accuse him of being a Jew. LOL Typical dem tactics and avoid any actual addressing the issures!
But Allen then lied I think, he said he didn't know his grandmother was a jew. I find that really hard to believe.
That's pretty weak Jarod. But why attack his grandmother? And what does being a jew have to do with anything at all? Just liberal slime.
Jim Webb is a fine man.... a brilliant man.... he will represent the people of Virginia with distinction in the US Senate!
Jim Webb is a fine man.... a brilliant man.... he will represent the people of Virginia with distinction in the US Senate!

I'm bettin a thousand to one odds that Maineman has got the hots for Jim Webb and is probably in his fan club knowing every little detail about him.

You really are a Dem party whore...
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oh really? I'll take that bet.

Jim Webb's book, "A Sense of Honor" written in 1981 -which I got in hardback early the next year -about a year in the life of midshipmen at the Naval Academy, remains my favorite novel. I gave it to my wife to read when we first got married as a way of explaining to her what my academy experience was like.

Being an Naval Academy graduate myself, I was really pleased when he was appointed Secretary of the Navy by Ron Reagan.

It was well known at the boat school that Jim Webb was a hell of a boxer and a damned fine marine.

Did you know who beat him in the USNA Brigade Boxing championships in 1968? I do. Ollie North.

Now.... at a thousand to one odds, I'll put up a nickel or are those too high stakes for you?

Don't you feel like a fucking idiot?

I would settle for an apology.

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the smallest possible bet in american currency would have been a penny.

As we know, you already KNOW my address so you can send me a $10 bill at your earliest convenience, you little prick.
I assumed most politically aware people knew that James Webb was Reagan's former Navy Secretary and a famous author.

"Fields of Fire" was one of the best novels ever written about the Vietnam War. I remember reading it twenty years ago. I think it was considered one of the finest novels ever written about the Vietnam war.
A Country Such As This, Something To Die For, The Emperor's General, and Lost Soldiers are also Jim Webb novels and I highly recommend them all....
and I agree that Fields of Fire is fabulous...but Sense of Honor will always be my favorite.
Hmm, I guess my earlier prediction about Maineman having the hots for Jim Webb was absolutely true, if I was Webb, I'd worry about him hanging outside my window and fogging up the glass...
when can I expect that check, danodegirliemano? We know you've got my address.... and my children's too.... so send it on. I'll be waiting.

you have absolutely ZERO class.... you'd think after a fuckup like that you could at least own up to it.

what a smarmy little twit you are.
when can I expect that check, danodegirliemano? We know you've got my address.... and my children's too.... so send it on. I'll be waiting.

you have absolutely ZERO class.... you'd think after a fuckup like that you could at least own up to it.

what a smarmy little twit you are.

HAHAHAHA insaineman you like that reedit, next time use the "Quote" button. I tell you what, if you admit fucking up in dismissing my source for pollkatz (not the second comment, the FIRST one), then I'll admit I ended up guessing wrong here.
You need to get a sense of humor, try looking in the mirror a few more times each day or maybe signing up to do the 'Amazing Race' with Toby or something...