I laughed at pollkatz because it is a blog.... I really don't give a fuck whether it is liberal or conservative.... I dismissed YOUR assertion that people make decisions at the ballot box based solely upon the price of gas.

You need to send me $10 bucks. I took your bet and you lost. pay up, you welching motherfucker.
That link does not say Webb accused Allen of being Jewish?

I may be wrong, but I dont see where Webb is the one doing the questioning about Allen's Jewish ancestry!
According to the story, it was anticipated that there would be a great debate about Iraq and that instead this overshadowed it.
Ahhhh... That does make a difference. Well the debate ended up being about how Jewish Allen was rather than what it should have been about.
I recently read an article that was talking about other people who also didn't know of such ancestry. Is it possible that Allen actually didn't know about it?
I laughed at pollkatz because it is a blog.... I really don't give a fuck whether it is liberal or conservative....
No it is NOT a blog, a clear lie. Face it moron, you saw some site you never
heard of and just assumed it was a Conservative site bias to help me, what your dumbass forgot is that my point is not something that really makes Republicans look all that great.

I dismissed YOUR assertion that people make decisions at the ballot box based solely upon the price of gas.
Another lie, I never said that, what I did say was that APPROVAL RATINGS follow the price of gas for BUSH, which they clearly do:
Try again lying piece of shit.

You are completely destroyed and a proven liar, whereas I just made a bad assumption that I admitted had a chance of being wrong when I said a thousand to one.

You need to send me $10 bucks. I took your bet and you lost. pay up, you welching motherfucker.
I didn't bet a penny, it was a saying, but if you really want me to place an amount then fine, I bet oh how about -100$

You win, so pay me $100,000 (negative 100 times 1000 = -100,000 for you to pay to me).
Pay up you welching motherfucker!

Sailor Moon
I am sick of people posting cites/links to stories to back up a claim, when that link does NOT back up the claim.
I am sick of people posting cites/links to stories to back up a claim, when that link does NOT back up the claim.

As the Danold noted this is a tactic used regularly by the right believes to be better than not posting a link at all, in order to make it appear as if the tumor and inuendo they spread around is actually based on one fact or another somewhere in cyberspace...Personally, after spending some time eurfing the web I have determined that nearly every position no matter how ignorant or obtuse can find some eivdence and support somewhere on the web, it is purely bunk to require linkis as if that is some kind of gold standard of truth and objectivity...a link doesn't mean shit...
Face it moron, you saw some site you never
heard of and just assumed it was a Conservative site bias to help me, what your dumbass forgot is that my point is not something that really makes Republicans look all that great.

I NEVER insinuated anything about my thoughts as to the political leaning of the site.... I made no such assumption. period.

Another lie, I never said that, what I did say was that APPROVAL RATINGS follow the price of gas for BUSH, which they clearly do:
Try again lying piece of shit.

and suggest that approval rating of the president is based solely upon gas prices is as ridiculous now as when you said it the first time. That was ALWAYS my ONLY point

You are completely destroyed and a proven liar, whereas I just made a bad assumption that I admitted had a chance of being wrong when I said a thousand to one.
I do not lie. You've proven shit. You call me a whore.... I call you a fucking moron. See how that works?

I didn't bet a penny, it was a saying, but if you really want me to place an amount then fine, I bet oh how about -100$

You win, so pay me $100,000 (negative 100 times 1000 = -100,000 for you to pay to me).
Pay up you welching motherfucker!

is that the best you can come up with? grade school playground shit? "Im rubber , you're glue"?
My point remains: attempting to say that presidential approval ratings are a one variable function is assinine.

Saying that I had never heard of Jim Webb before is even more stupid. KNOW I served a career in the Navy. It sounds to me like YOU'D never heard of Jim Webb and that YOU had no idea he was a naval academy graduate, a critically acclaimed author, and Reagan's SECNAV. Who's looking foolish here? that would be dano de girliemano