APP - Value Added Tax should help mend the economy

If government money is well spent it doesn't hurt the economy. Private money badly spent hurts the economy just as much as government money badly spent. In America, sure, we don't pay the extra 10% taxation required to have UHC. Instead, we pay 15% of our income to cover 80% of the population.

Government money is poorly spent, as a rule. The money is used to strengthen hierarchies of cronyism, MORE SO than the private sector even.
That's just the delusion you operate under, that the noahide corporate masters at large have implanted in you.

No it's not.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Only through an overpowerful government could banks get trillions in bailouts for destroying our economy.

Additionally, a vat tax is the most regressive tax imaginable.
A value added tax is just a national sales tax.
Just sling a fancy sounding name on it and some suck it up like candy.

In a recession people are not buying much so it would bring in little.
A value added tax is just a national sales tax.

It is a fairer version of a sales tax, since it taxes the whole pipeline equally.

Just sling a fancy sounding name on it and some suck it up like candy.

Not much you can do to make a tax sound like candy.

In a recession people are not buying much so it would bring in little.

The VAT would be a useful tool to bring balance the budget (if income taxes simply can't be raised), but as I said before, no one is proposing doing this in the middle of the recession. Income tax reciepts are also down sharply.
but as I said before, no one is proposing doing this in the middle of the recession. Income tax reciepts are also down sharply.

first sentence of the fucking article:
A new value-added tax (VAT) is "on the table" to help the U.S. address its fiscal liabilities, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday night.
A head tax is the most regressive tax imaginable.
Not even close. Imagine if they taxed only things that poor people use... That would be more regressive than a head tax as rich people wouldn't pay any taxes. Or you could tax incomes below a certain level, and increase the tax as you went down...

The "most regressive tax" proposed seriously is Cap and Trade as costs will be passed to consumers and the poorest among us will suffer the most and pay the larger sum of their income to pay for such an inflationary taxation.
Not even close. Imagine if they taxed only things that poor people use... That would be more regressive than a head tax as rich people wouldn't pay any taxes. Or you could tax incomes below a certain level, and increase the tax as you went down...

Well I was meaning non-utterly absurd taxes. Margaret Thatcher actually introduced a head tax in Britian - this is what lead to the downfall of her government. It was one of Britians finest moments.

The "most regressive tax" proposed seriously is Cap and Trade as costs will be passed to consumers and the poorest among us will suffer the most and pay the larger sum of their income to pay for such an inflationary taxation.

Since most of the "tax" goes to regulated utilities and reduces bills, it's mostly made up for.
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And of course I'd like to point out that the regressiveness of carbon taxes is obviously not a desirable trait, and should be accounted for through tax cuts elsewhere.
Well I was meaning non-utterly absurd taxes. Margaret Thatcher actually introduced a head tax in Britian - this is what lead to the downfall of her government. It was one of Britians finest moments.

Since most of the "tax" goes to regulated utilities and reduces bills, it's mostly made up for.
"mostly" made up for?

And no, it isn't. It is inflationary, causing everything to be more expensive. The companies that pay more pass that cost to the consumers, the consumers that spend a higher portion of their income just to survive will be the most effected. It is regressive taxation in reality.
And of course I'd like to point out that the regressiveness of carbon taxes is obviously not a desirable trait, and should be accounted for through tax cuts elsewhere.
LOL. In what way? A company who has to pay for such taxation will pass that cost to the consumers, taxing their energy use is simply the most regressive form of proposed taxation available today. Higher costs in gasoline = higher prices at the grocery store. Period. Those who can least afford it will have a higher cost of living, it is how corporate taxes always effect people. Corporate taxes in any form are a form of hidden sales taxes.
Hopefully this will further the debate on the FAIR TAX, which is essentially a VAT. Pelosi brings up a good point about putting us on a level playing field with Europe. However in order to be truly level, the FAIR TAX must replace the current system completely.

What Pelosi doesn't appear to realize is that the FAIR TAX would eliminate a tremendous amount of influence that Congress has on restricting freedom. She would lose power, and since her goal is to gain power, she obviously has some kind of scheme envisioned to tax us both ways.

I disagree, the fair tax simply opens the doors for more lobbying of politicians to make company 'x's' product exempt or deemed a necessity. It also would be regressive in nature.

The flat tax with a standard deduction is the simple fair way to change the tax code.
If it replaces the income tax, yes. But that's not what Pelosi is proposing. She wants to create a VAT alongside the income tax, which would also be alongside the Cap & Tax, which means the middle class is FUCKED.

Can you name a country that has a VAT and no income tax?
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