Donnie John called on the Russians to find and release Hillary's thirty thousand emails, guess he thought that up all on his own, why Russia you ask? One has to ask why Russia is so important to Donnie? Just recently Donnie stopped more sanctions on Russia because that would be tough on his buddy Putin. And then there are all the Trump associates admitting lying about all sort of matters. But right wing snowflakes like proper puppies follow along. They believe. Considering all the documented lies Trump has told why anyone would believe him is hard to fathom. But snowflakes need a strong man to lead them and even though Donnie isn't that his empty talk keeps them happy. Just say Hillary and the snowflakes cheer.
'What we learned about potential Trump-Russia collusion in 2017'
"For a while, there was very little hard evidence to support the idea that the Trump campaign could have secretly worked with the Russian government to try to swing the presidential race."
When did the American conservative become so weak that a mountebank leads them?