Nifty, the fools on the hill are way too corrupt. Look how quick they were able to get the Squad in lockstep with Pelosi. Young voters won't be fooled again, so Biden will not be reelected. The wind of change is in the air with pro-Palestinian protest everywhere.
Again, this is the year for banks and office buildings to go bust. I'm not sure the fed will be able to bail them out this time. The world is running away from the dollar, so the US thinks it can bomb the world into submission. The problem is we'll have to borrow the money from China so we can afford to buy oil from Russia.
Biden and Trump are the presumptive major party nominees, so one of them WILL BE ELECTED PRESIDENT.
Any other scenario is a pipe dream, not reality.
Both suck beyond belief, but if it's Biden, the Republic may possibly survive, and if it's Trump, there's no chance in my opinion.
This election will NOT be about choosing a good president.
That won't be an option for anybody...not this time around.
This election is solely about one last desperate effort to preserve the United States of America.
I don't care how corrupt the fools on the hill are. Well, I care, but I also know who's really to blame.
Every one of those "fools" was legitimately elected in a fair election by every day citizens like you and I.
Americans love to blame others for their own failure to treat elections as seriously as a heart attack.
The depth into which the average voter vets candidates is laughable.
The depth into which the average voter studies and tries to understand political ideology is something to cry about.
and obviously, the American people don't put in the effort to deserve very good government.
Corruption or no corruption, it's still a democracy and the responsibility falls entirely on us.
We have to take a hard look at whether or not universal suffrage has failed us.
Perhaps a four year degree from an accredited college or university should be a voting requirement.
It doesn't sound very populist, but look at what not having that requirement has gotten us.