
Don't be looking at me...

I know I'm sexy and all, but there is no need to pay any attention to that.
LOL There's a lot about the vegetarian concept to admire. Especially since I've gotten older and my optimum body weight becomes more difficult to maintain, I try to make four or five meatless meals out of seven, and make the meat portions smaller for my wife and me while keeping the meat in our kid's diets to build muscle mass and recover from athletic stresses. For instance last night I made six courses: eggplant parm, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, stir fry veggies, fried ham and leftover pasta. I gave the ham to the kids and then everybody choose what else they wanted.
If it were not for the ability to consume large amounts of meat, our brains would never have developed to the point where we were capable of contemplating the morality of what we eat.
LOL There's a lot about the vegetarian concept to admire. Especially since I've gotten older and my optimum body weight becomes more difficult to maintain, I try to make four or five meatless meals out of seven, and make the meat portions smaller for my wife and me while keeping the meat in our kid's diets to build muscle mass and recover from athletic stresses. For instance last night I made six courses: eggplant parm, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, stir fry veggies, fried ham and leftover pasta. I gave the ham to the kids and then everybody choose what else they wanted.

Part of the reason your body is losing weight through meals like this is it isn't getting the BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) it needs. Most everyone without an education in the matter thinks protein is protein. It isn't, our muscles and body are vastly different chemically from a plant or a cow. This is why we are designed to be omnivores. We take certain amino acids from whatever protein source and combine them with others from other sources (or restructure them if from the same source) and then use them. Plants such as soy contain the lowest levels of usable BCAAs.
Part of the reason your body is losing weight through meals like this is it isn't getting the BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) it needs. Most everyone without an education in the matter thinks protein is protein. It isn't, our muscles and body are vastly different chemically from a plant or a cow. This is why we are designed to be omnivores. We take certain amino acids from whatever protein source and combine them with others from other sources (or restructure them if from the same source) and then use them. Plants such as soy contain the lowest levels of usable BCAAs.
Interesting. But why would I need more BCAAs when I eat meat twice/ week or more and are trying to maintain my weight?
Part of the reason your body is losing weight through meals like this is it isn't getting the BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) it needs. Most everyone without an education in the matter thinks protein is protein. It isn't, our muscles and body are vastly different chemically from a plant or a cow. This is why we are designed to be omnivores. We take certain amino acids from whatever protein source and combine them with others from other sources (or restructure them if from the same source) and then use them. Plants such as soy contain the lowest levels of usable BCAAs.
You are confused, octo-lacto vegetarians do not have this issue. You are confusing vegans and vegetarians.
LOL There's a lot about the vegetarian concept to admire. Especially since I've gotten older and my optimum body weight becomes more difficult to maintain, I try to make four or five meatless meals out of seven, and make the meat portions smaller for my wife and me while keeping the meat in our kid's diets to build muscle mass and recover from athletic stresses. For instance last night I made six courses: eggplant parm, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, stir fry veggies, fried ham and leftover pasta. I gave the ham to the kids and then everybody choose what else they wanted.

If that is a typical dinner, I think I know the reason behind the bolded portion above...
Part of the reason your body is losing weight through meals like this is it isn't getting the BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) it needs. Most everyone without an education in the matter thinks protein is protein. It isn't, our muscles and body are vastly different chemically from a plant or a cow. This is why we are designed to be omnivores. We take certain amino acids from whatever protein source and combine them with others from other sources (or restructure them if from the same source) and then use them. Plants such as soy contain the lowest levels of usable BCAAs.


For those who don't want to eat meat... here is an alternative...

browse the site... they have a lot of good nutritional items at good prices....
If that is a typical dinner, I think I know the reason behind the bolded portion above...
LOL It's not, but I do cook and eat well. Last night my wife repeated my edict to her when she used to do most of the cooking: "no more than three pots for me to clean!"

I was 145#, too skinny, for about 20 years and could not gain weight until I was 40. Then I got up to 155 with two young kids and a sedate lifestyle and I felt that was good even though I lost my "six pack". When I got over that I started to cut calories, staring with regular soda, then milk (only one glass a week now), then fried foods, now less meat. I also exercise with a timed mile and weights at least once/ week, preferably two, and I'm up to 168-170, still no six pack but more muscle especially in my legs and chest.