
Interesting. But why would I need more BCAAs when I eat meat twice/ week or more and are trying to maintain my weight?

Your body breaks down muscle tissue every time you move. Now don't get me wrong, beef is the worst when it comes to BCAAs as far as meat goes, but it still contains some essential ones. Now you say you eat well, and you may certainly intake more than enough BCAAs from the meat you currently take in. I'm not you and you certainly know your body better than me, I was merely offer a possible explanation for your ease in losing weight.
Your body breaks down muscle tissue every time you move. Now don't get me wrong, beef is the worst when it comes to BCAAs as far as meat goes, but it still contains some essential ones. Now you say you eat well, and you may certainly intake more than enough BCAAs from the meat you currently take in. I'm not you and you certainly know your body better than me, I was merely offer a possible explanation for your ease in losing weight.
I try to keep the beef down to one meal a week, and I'm the master of the grill. When I'm out and have to grab fast food I'll have a grilled chicken sandwich. I try for fish once per week.
I try to keep the beef down to one meal a week, and I'm the master of the grill. When I'm out and have to grab fast food I'll have a grilled chicken sandwich. I try for fish once per week.
If everyone ate one meal without meat a week it would greatly cut down on methane gas!
If it were not for the ability to consume large amounts of meat, our brains would never have developed to the point where we were capable of contemplating the morality of what we eat.
If that were true then how comes our brain cells are the only cells to operate metabolically purely from carbohydrates? Brain cells cannot convert either fats or protiens in to ATP. Other cells can.
Part of the reason your body is losing weight through meals like this is it isn't getting the BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) it needs. Most everyone without an education in the matter thinks protein is protein. It isn't, our muscles and body are vastly different chemically from a plant or a cow. This is why we are designed to be omnivores. We take certain amino acids from whatever protein source and combine them with others from other sources (or restructure them if from the same source) and then use them. Plants such as soy contain the lowest levels of usable BCAAs.
That's an excellent point and I"m glad you made it. The same thing can be said about carbs and fats. There not all created equally and humans have evolved to process certain kinds more efficiently.
Interesting. But why would I need more BCAAs when I eat meat twice/ week or more and are trying to maintain my weight?
Because they are complete protiens. That is, they are proteins which contain all the essential amino acids. That and the branch structures make them more readily absorbed and utilized in tissue building. Most proteins consumed are not absorbed in the lumen and end up being excreted. Because the BCAA's are absorbed and metabolized more efficiently they don't produce the quantity of acid residues that other proteins generate. A common misconception is that the excessive consumption of proteins will cause weight gain. That's not true. It's mostly saturated fats and high glycemic carbohydrates that do that. Consuming high levels of protiens will cause physiological acidosis.
That's an excellent point and I"m glad you made it. The same thing can be said about carbs and fats. There not all created equally and humans have evolved to process certain kinds more efficiently.

I studied nutrition when I was a power lifter, so I know a bit.