Venezuela: Down the Road of Socialism - Wealth by Cronyism Rather than by Ability

"They also accuse Chavez of using the social programs that have so improved the lives of the poor as a way to gain voters. In this, the opposition is right: providing people with free health care, education, small business loans and job training is certainly a good way to win the hearts and minds of the people."

Hello non-sequitor.

I really think Socrates would puke if he read some of the drivel you post, Black.


This from the site buffoon.

You consist of letters on my screen that has a real tiny brain behind them.

A not quite grown-up thing that whines and pouts because people think its stupid.


"Socrates" ?????

Blackascoal, it would be like picking on a little retarded kid for me to make an accurate comparison of my intelligence to yours.

Wow, what a stupid comment.