Venezuela Strikes Back

I agree with you here .. however, nationalizing oil assets and natural resources is taking place all over the world and it is in the best interests of those nations to do so. The perception is that US corporate interests and the US government is inseperatable .. which is not far from the truth.

We invaded Iraq for US corporate interests, but have yet to get the Iraq Oil Law we demanded to solidify our piracy.

The point is that we should step carefully with respect to the rest of the world. We are in no position to play cowboy.

It depends on how the nationalization is done. I do not have a problem with countries wanting to take more control over their resources. But if you say...."come and devlop our oil sites for 'x' percent of the profits" then you are under contract with the developers. If you do not present a fair deal when nationalizing, then the company can take you to court. Which is what Exxon did. Exxon obviously presented enough evidence to the British and Dutch courts to justify the assets being frozen.

As for the seperation, yes it is a fine line. I cannot think of a country that will not support the companies of that country when it comes to international trade. That is typical. But in this particular case, Venezuela had an agreement with Exxon. Venzuela tried to change the nature of the deal and essentially told Exxon they could either take the deal or piss off. Exxon took the case to the courts. The courts agreed that Exxon had enough of a case to freeze the assets to force Chavez to come to the table.
THIS is comical shit.
He won't do it, if he did someone else surely buys his oil. And is there another MORON stupid enough to starve his country to spite us.
Blackasacomidic fool, our economy is most certainly not teetering. It's by far the strongest in the world. Did moveon.moron tell you to say that?

No .. your mother did.

Get the fuck outta here with your "great economy" stupid as fuck bullshit.

Is your name Morgan or Stanley?

Morgan Stanley: Be Prepared for Dual U.S./Japan Recession

There are plenty of REAL economists talking of recession and the majority of Americans believe we are already in it.

Many Believe US Already in a Recession
By JEANNINE AVERSA – 17 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Empty homes and for-sale signs clutter neighborhoods. You've lost your job or know someone who has. Your paycheck and nest egg are taking a hit.

Could the country be in recession?

Sixty-one percent of the public believes the economy is now suffering through its first recession since 2001, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll.

The fallout from a depressed housing market and a credit crunch nearly caused the economy to stall in the final three months of last year. Some experts, like the majority of people questioned in the poll, say the economy actually may be shrinking now. The worry is that consumers and businesses will hunker down further and pull back spending, sending the economy into a tailspin.

Oh, but something called Topspin disagrees ..
wow what a lower class thing to say blackass
I respect your limosine liberal credentials but all dems don't have to be retarded as you on the economy.
It depends on how the nationalization is done. I do not have a problem with countries wanting to take more control over their resources. But if you say...."come and devlop our oil sites for 'x' percent of the profits" then you are under contract with the developers. If you do not present a fair deal when nationalizing, then the company can take you to court. Which is what Exxon did. Exxon obviously presented enough evidence to the British and Dutch courts to justify the assets being frozen.

As for the seperation, yes it is a fine line. I cannot think of a country that will not support the companies of that country when it comes to international trade. That is typical. But in this particular case, Venezuela had an agreement with Exxon. Venzuela tried to change the nature of the deal and essentially told Exxon they could either take the deal or piss off. Exxon took the case to the courts. The courts agreed that Exxon had enough of a case to freeze the assets to force Chavez to come to the table.

Well stated .. I don't disagree.

But we are dealing with perceptions that are shared all over the world. I'd simply like to see an intelligent approach to our disagreements on the world stage.
wow what a lower class thing to say blackass
I respect your limosine liberal credentials but all dems don't have to be retarded as you on the economy.

You think that 61% that believes we're in a recession were all democrats?

I'm not a democrat.
Well stated .. I don't disagree.

But we are dealing with perceptions that are shared all over the world. I'd simply like to see an intelligent approach to our disagreements on the world stage.

From a political standpoint, I agree. The rhetoric needs to be much much more cival.

That said, Exxon handled this in the only intelligent way they could. They took it to court, presented their case and the courts sided with them. That is far better than Exxon running to Bush and Bush making a typically ignorant statement like telling Chavez to "come to the table or else".
61% could not define recession can you?

Top.... seriously, you need to quit the "strong economy" type statements. Our economy is not strong right now.... hence the decline in the value of the dollar. Just because your industry is doing well, that does not equate to "strong economy". We are the LARGEST economy in the world right now, but again, that does not mean we are the strongest.
From a political standpoint, I agree. The rhetoric needs to be much much more cival.

That said, Exxon handled this in the only intelligent way they could. They took it to court, presented their case and the courts sided with them. That is far better than Exxon running to Bush and Bush making a typically ignorant statement like telling Chavez to "come to the table or else".

No argument there.