Very Real Possibility’ Ted Cruz Will Lose Reelection Bid

I think Texans bought into Trump's conspiracy theory that Cruz's dad aided Oswald in the Kennedy assassination.
They do not care that Kennedy was killed, but their Governor was badly injured in that shooting.

That must be it....that's why Texas overwhelmingly voted for Hillary in 2016.:palm: Just as predicted by the Mainstream media polls. Imagine TEXAS up for grabs a day before the election. :laugh: Instead of worrying about the Cuban losing I would be more concerned about the democrat Senators up for re-election in Trump deep red states. Just say'n...there's no way in hell the republicans will lose the senate.
That must be it....that's why Texas overwhelmingly voted for Hillary in 2016.:palm: Just as predicted by the Mainstream media polls. Imagine TEXAS up for grabs a day before the election. :laugh: Instead of worrying about the Cuban losing I would be more concerned about the democrat Senators up for re-election in Trump deep red states. Just say'n...there's no way in hell the republicans will lose the senate.

No Ralphie-boy. Its why Texass went for Trump in the GOP primary.
Clinton had nothing to do with Texassian's predilection towards insane conspiracy theories.
Love it when people say they know who is going to win in 60 days. Elections have been crazy the last year. Sure thing incumbents have been ousted. Odd outsiders have won. Women have made huge inroads. There appears to be some spin on the ball. You can guarantee nothing.
Yep.....and Hillary was a 95% winner. Insanity: doing the same actions over and over while expecting different results. THE PEOPLE are wise to the propaganda arm of the DNC. Just a little lesson in VOCABULARY: "IMPLIED"

Implied by whom? A budget director who is attempting to scare the Republican Base to donate money and show up at the polls. :laugh:

Well, genius, the last time I looked Mick Mulvaney was a Republican, and it is the Republicans who are predicting gloom and doom for Cruz. Doesnt that make you look and feel like a fool?
White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney acknowledged Saturday that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) might lose his bid for reelection this year, and that hatred of President Donald Trump could hurt Republicans across the country.

I think Cruz is toast.

People just hate him and his stupid, smug face.
While I seldom agree with you about anything, I will agree with you about Cruz. I have long suspected either he or Rubio is behind the perceived turmoil in the white house. I think a lot of these people came into his administration intending to breed discontent and debilitate Trump as GOP sour grapes that he took the nomination away from one of the fair-haired children of the party. .

I believe that with this post you are delusional.