Vice president Cheney's daughters pregnant


Villified User
Report: Vice president Cheney's daughters pregnant
POSTED: 7:48 a.m. EST, December 6, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Both of Vice President Dick Cheney's daughters are reportedly pregnant.

The Washington Post says 37-year-old Mary Cheney is due in late spring. The paper reports she and long-time partner Heather Poe are "ecstatic."

The vice president's other daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband are expecting their fifth child next summer. She's 40 and is on leave from the State Department.
Report: Vice president Cheney's daughters pregnant
POSTED: 7:48 a.m. EST, December 6, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Both of Vice President Dick Cheney's daughters are reportedly pregnant.

The Washington Post says 37-year-old Mary Cheney is due in late spring. The paper reports she and long-time partner Heather Poe are "ecstatic."

The vice president's other daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband are expecting their fifth child next summer. She's 40 and is on leave from the State Department.

I thought one of his daughters was gay?
I wish I knew Pat Robertson and could call him up and ask what he thinks!

A good talk show would get him on and ask.
Im sure he does not. What about all those people who attacked Chelsea and called her ugly?
That appears to be true, I hope they get kicked out of the car soon... But I bet they reemerge before 08'.

They are in the back seat because Bush let them grab the steering wheel and jerk it to the right helping to cause the problems in Iraq and allowing the Democrats to turn the Stem Cell issue against them.

I do hope that these past few years were the hight of power for them.
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That appears to be true, I hope they get kicked out of the car soon... But I bet they reemerge before 08'.

They are in the back seat because Bush let them grab the steering wheel and jerk it to the right helping to cause the problems in Iraq and allowing the Democrats to turn the Stem Cell issue against them.

I do hope that these past few years were the hight of power for them.
<*Ahem*> Not to say "I told you so" (again) or anything, but

I told you so.

To be fair, so did a lot of other people, Damo included.

Fact is, as ugly and alarming as they are, there are simply not enough of them to implement their agenda as they see it. They're too extreme: courting them openly alienates too many other factions.

They had their high water mark during the second and third years of Bush's administration. It was then or never for their big ticket items.

On the other hand, they'll be back. They won't have the level of influence they've had the past few years for at least another 10 or so, but they're not done for by any means.
Who cares? Thankfully the RR has started to take a back seat, they are still in the car, but no longer the drivers.

I see the national GOP getting more radical.

It was primarily the moderate northeastern and midwestern republican incumbents in congress who were defeated and retired.

And electing Guilliani in a GOP presidential primary is a pipe dream, I think.

Now Dick has two daughters who can now be classified as 'Breeders' wondering if the youngest daughter did it the old fashioned way or artificial...Gee maybe if she did it the old fashioned way she will change her ways and try the normal path...nah she gets off being a shock jock...too bad though!
Fun for Kids!

Try saying "Dick Cheney's grandchild will have two mommies!" without shooting coke/coffee/vodka through your nose in scathingly ironic laughter.
Try saying "Dick Cheney's grandchild will have two mommies!" without shooting coke/coffee/vodka through your nose in scathingly ironic laughter.

Try saying "Dick Cheney's grandchild will have two mommies!"

Because of Virginia's reactionary anti-gay amendment passed by the voters in that state a couple years ago, Mary Cheney's domestic partner will have no legal rights with regard to their kid.