Vice president Cheney's daughters pregnant

Well she should have no legal rights to that child, she is not the father or mother. It is the same as if I marry a woman with a child from a previous marriage.
Well she should have no legal rights to that child, she is not the father or mother. It is the same as if I marry a woman with a child from a previous marriage.
I think that step-parents should have the same legal rights as "real" (i.e. biological) parents.

What matters is who puts in the work of parenting, not whose gametes got busy with whose.
Well she should have no legal rights to that child, she is not the father or mother. It is the same as if I marry a woman with a child from a previous marriage.

I'm not the father or mother of my step kids, but I believe I have legal rights.
I wonder how the Religous Right feels about this!

Amazingly enough, it seems that they are rather quiet about it.

But, truly, what should they say? Nothing... nothing at all... it is none of their business. In fact, the entire story is none of our business. Who the heck cares if she is pregnant? I don't and it would not affect my life one way or another if I didn't know about it.


added as an after thought, but, I too am curious if she did it the old fashioned way or not. How sick is that? What difference does it make anyway? ;)
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Very little in most states Cypress, unless you formally adopt them.

That's one thing I was thinking of. I have the right to apply for guardianship or adopt them, if I choose.

As a gay woman living in the south, does mary cheney's domestic partner have that right?
That's one thing I was thinking of. I have the right to apply for guardianship or adopt them, if I choose.

As a gay woman living in the south, does mary cheney's domestic partner have that right?

Not in Florida... thanks to Jeb Bush.
bingo jarod.

If my wife died, I could apply for legal guardianship of my stepkids.

If Mary Cheney died, I suspect her domestic partner would have no legal recourse with respect to their kid.
bingo jarod.

If my wife died, I could apply for legal guardianship of my stepkids.

If Mary Cheney died, I suspect her domestic partner would have no legal recourse with respect to their kid.

I don't know anything about your situation, but where would you stand if, God forbid, your wife did die and the natural father was around? I suspect he would have legal rights over the children even if you had raised them for most of their lives and he had never even sent them a Christmas Card.

I don't know anything about your situation, but where would you stand if, God forbid, your wife did die and the natural father was around? I suspect he would have legal rights over the children even if you had raised them for most of their lives and he had never even sent them a Christmas Card.


He's a deadbeat, who hasn't ever paid child support, hasn't sent a christmas card in ten years, and is currently a guest of the Texas state penetentiary system.
He's a deadbeat, who hasn't ever paid child support, hasn't sent a christmas card in ten years, and is currently a guest of the Texas state penetentiary system.

Prime candidate to take the kids back should something awful happen. The state never really does what is best for the kids. They just think they do. It is all that liberal social programs tax dollars blown on government inefficiencies.


That's one thing I was thinking of. I have the right to apply for guardianship or adopt them, if I choose.

As a gay woman living in the south, does mary cheney's domestic partner have that right?

Probably not, but that is the way the laws are written up, specifically biased for hetro relationships. And it will be that way till things change.
Yeah it is illegal most places to marry your sister too....imagine that!
He's a deadbeat, who hasn't ever paid child support, hasn't sent a christmas card in ten years, and is currently a guest of the Texas state penetentiary system.

Does not matter, unless his parential rights have been removed by the court. I was tempted to adopt my first wifes child. her Ex was the same as the one you describe. Glad I did not, I would have been paying child support on that boy for 15 years.
Prime candidate to take the kids back should something awful happen. The state never really does what is best for the kids. They just think they do. It is all that liberal social programs tax dollars blown on government inefficiencies.



Well they don't always get it right, but then who does ?
but at least they try. What have the cons done to improve this situation ?

Immie, we only have one side of this story secondhanded at that.....

go back and ask our first wives about several of us :D
bingo jarod.

If my wife died, I could apply for legal guardianship of my stepkids.

If Mary Cheney died, I suspect her domestic partner would have no legal recourse with respect to their kid.

You can apply, but no guarantees, the bio parent still has the trump card.
Mary chenys girl friend can apply for Guardianship as well.
I'm not the father or mother of my step kids, but I believe I have legal rights.
You have only rights granted by your spouse. You couldn't even pick them up from school unless your spouse granted permission to you...
Yep, you are not even legally allowed to authorize medical treatment for step children.
At least where I have lived ...