Vice President Kamala Harris

Hello Big Money Dolla,

indeed you are sick.

AOC raised it as a political stunt against cruz, good they got the money but only a gullible dope like you would think that it was for altruistic reasons. she's skipped raising relief for every other disaster since she's been a senator.


AOC became a SENATOR???

That's HUGE!

When/how did that happen?

I guess with her larger-than-life popularity maybe it just seems like she's one, eh?
I like the fact that a moron like Sarah Palin was the face of the Republican Party.

Don't get mad at me for holding her out for ridicule - even Republicans themselves are so embarrassed of her now, they will not let her show her face at GOP conventions.

So you are ok with kamala, talk about anything but kamala.

I get it. you can't criticize your own. even if your own is evil incarnate. No one is mad, palin deserved some ridicule, but the way you tribe attacked the womans family lied about her, suggested arod slept with the then 14 year old daughter?

and you turn a blind eye and cry "see we are different". when you are not. The reason you all never went after pence is he was smart to keep an arms length and quiet about trump the entire term. tell me you are smart enough to get that.

Kamala is a sociopath who fought to keep multiple innocent people in prison, why wont you talk about that?
Hello Big Money Dolla,


AOC became a SENATOR???

That's HUGE!

When/how did that happen?

I guess with her larger-than-life popularity maybe it just seems like she's one, eh?

I mispoke. lol

I liked her better when she was slining me tacos and tequila shots.
Haha. Thought the same thing LR. The reality is once campaign season is over how much do people really think about the VP? Now in a case with a 50-50 Senate she may make the news more but otherwise the focus isn't on the VP.

Nope that was just trump

Pense was in hiding

Trump hates ANYONE but him in the spotlight
Hello Big Money Dolla,

I agree, that said "private prisons" are a misnomer, they are multiple monopolies that the federal gov was paying per prisoner. this is seriously flawed. they are more public-private "corporations". I do think a true free market model could work, but that is not where I stand as a libertarian on this issue. I'd rather discuss ending the prison pipeline for minor offenses many with no victims before deciding if private true free market prisons make sense. as it stands how I am against the public-private prison for profit system we have.

I agree with the libertarian platform:

" Libertarians want to see crimes that are truly crimes prosecuted and punished. Libertarians also want behavior that does not involve force or fraud legalized and dealt with outside the criminal justice system. We want to see justice for victims and also justice for the accused and convicted. The rights of every person matter and we must not turn a blind eye to the rights of the accused or the convicted."

you reduce much of what sends you to prison, this becomes a much smaller issue.

Agreed with that. The way it is now, our prison system is one of the most expensive mental health facilities in the world. IF we are treating mental health, there must be a better way.
Hello Big Money Dolla,

Agreed with that. The way it is now, our prison system is one of the most expensive mental health facilities in the world. IF we are treating mental health, there must be a better way.

its a gladiator school, and there is not mental health treatment there.

There is a much better way.

no victim, no crime.

if the crime involves fraud, penalties and restitution before prison.

if the crime involves violence or there is a real victim then we discuss prison.

Immediate release of all non violent drug offenders with an expungement of their records. review all those serving prison for non-violent crimes and release those who they cannot identify a real victim. thats a start,
Hello Big Money Dolla,

what is? I think both tribes sling poo at each other thinking there's doesn't stink. both sides act unethically and immorally at times. its more about tribes than it is about right and wrong. to say one side is worse than the others is to not be objective.

And to think of them as all the same is stereotyping.

We are talking about a lot of individuals here. There are good ones and bad ones on both sides. Stereoptyping is over-simplification.
Hello Big Money Dolla,

They prevent me from reading that article because I won't give them my personal contact information for the purpose of being bombarded with unwanted marketing.

But I do recall reading an article way back in Mother Jones that was critical of her performance as AG. She was not my first choice for president.

She was my first choice

There is not an AG from any state to not have someone dis like one of their decisions

AGs are not there to please political sense abilities

Their job is to review the cases brought to them by the state’s prosecutors and to deside if the case is solid enough to be successful in a court


she performed her job with excellence

Part of the proof of that is no not all her actions pleased any political side

She is awesome
Vice President Joe Biden was in the news all the time guys

Pense was just in hiding to please trump

How quickly people forget
So you are ok with kamala, talk about anything but kamala.

I get it. you can't criticize your own. even if your own is evil incarnate. No one is mad, palin deserved some ridicule, but the way you tribe attacked the womans family lied about her, suggested arod slept with the then 14 year old daughter?

and you turn a blind eye and cry "see we are different". when you are not. The reason you all never went after pence is he was smart to keep an arms length and quiet about trump the entire term. tell me you are smart enough to get that.

Kamala is a sociopath who fought to keep multiple innocent people in prison, why wont you talk about that?

I cannot have a serious discussion with a hyperpartisan who claims Vice President Harris is evil incarnate.
Thread is about kamala, you have done everything to not discuss her nasty sociopathic past. why?

You can call me every name in the book, but I was against wars of choice before you, ending the war on drugs before you, releasing non violent drug offenders and expunging their records. I was for all these things long before you. anarchism is not the same as libertarianism, you sound stupid when you post dumb shit like that.

So now tell me, why do you turn a blind eye to kamala's nasty past when it comes to the black community and her fighting to keep innocent people in prison on technicalities??
Its so small a deal that no one cares except you Hate Nazi's thinking you got this Dynamic information but the humor is its all the crap that you righty's support. So the comedy in this is you. Won't work I have never agreed totally on any politician I support ever. Here's the point, the two we have in now won't try to bring down this democracy or this country to force themselves in as dictators. You don't seem to get the importance of this. Your point is nothing to that one point alone.
indeed you are sick.

AOC raised it as a political stunt against cruz, good they got the money but only a gullible dope like you would think that it was for altruistic reasons. she's skipped raising relief for every other disaster since she's been a senator.
Your one pitiful hater. You have nothing
Thread is about kamala, you have done everything to not discuss her nasty sociopathic past. why?

You can call me every name in the book, but I was against wars of choice before you, ending the war on drugs before you, releasing non violent drug offenders and expunging their records. I was for all these things long before you. anarchism is not the same as libertarianism, you sound stupid when you post dumb shit like that.

So now tell me, why do you turn a blind eye to kamala's nasty past when it comes to the black community and her fighting to keep innocent people in prison on technicalities??
Garbage from people who lost their voice in this country because they are traitors to this great country . Bullshit ace
So you are ok with kamala, talk about anything but kamala.

I get it. you can't criticize your own. even if your own is evil incarnate. No one is mad, palin deserved some ridicule, but the way you tribe attacked the womans family lied about her, suggested arod slept with the then 14 year old daughter?

and you turn a blind eye and cry "see we are different". when you are not. The reason you all never went after pence is he was smart to keep an arms length and quiet about trump the entire term. tell me you are smart enough to get that.

Kamala is a sociopath who fought to keep multiple innocent people in prison, why wont you talk about that?
You are being ignored because you no longer have a voice in this country, you are a traitor, you no longer deserve a voice in this country.
I cannot have a serious discussion with a hyperpartisan who claims Vice President Harris is evil incarnate.
You shouldn't even care what he thinks, anyone who supports Trump and him trying to destroy our democracy /republic to force in a pile of shit for a dictator is a traitor to this country . Traitors are shot in this country, and they in no way have a voice ever again in this country.