Vice President Trump is selling over-priced electric guitars


Well-known member

In what way? Because you're consumed with hate?

None of the leftist morons - including you - bashing this could make a C chord.

It's a "collector" item. It obviously plays well, though the reviewer wasn't thrilled with the bridge pickup.

On the other hand, I put Seymour Duncans on my '86 Gibson LP. Changing pickups is pretty standard.

If you don't want one, don't buy one. To call is a "con" is an obvious and foolish lie. It is as advertised. Great neck, clean frets, perfect intonation. Is it worth $1,500? Not to me, but for collectors? Maybe. Looks like it would go toe to toe with an $800 Epiphone.
But most of your buddies sell meth, fentanyl, and hookers - so there is that.
I don't know any drug dealers or hookers.

But you spent six years fiercely defending your buddy Matt Gaetz with all your heart and soul, and he actually was involved in drugs, prostitutes, and statutory rape.
They seem to be way overpriced according to this guitar reviewer, and most likely made in China, not the USA.

One thing I'll give him credit for. He'll never pass up an entrepreneurial opportunity to fleece more money from those dumb enough to worship him.
They seem to be way overpriced according to this guitar reviewer, and most likely made in China, not the USA.

It bis a collectors piece not a player piece. If you can't afford one don't buy one.