Vice President Trump is selling over-priced electric guitars

Nah you just lie about people being groomers and wanting to show children porn. You are a sick son of a bitch.

With you, thats a fact.

Tell us about the "Don't say gay" law again?

You support grooming very young children and demand hard core pornography be in school libraries for very young children.

Sick and perverted.
So @Cypress - do you also support sexually grooming 5 and 6 year old children, as this sick pervert does?


[IMG alt="Uncensored2008"][/IMG]


Well-known member​



You're such a sleazy and pathetic liar, Douche.

While there is nothing to confirm that Gaetz had sex with the 17 year old prostitute, nor that she was 17, no one can come up with a name, the allegation is based on a jail house accusation that even the FIB deemed completely without merit.

BUT even if the hooker he banged was 17 - that is not "pedophilia."

Pedophiles groom prepubescent children - 5 and 6 year olds in public schools - the way you advocate be done. Pedophiles want hard core pornography in elementary school libraries - the way you do.

If Gaetz had sex with 10 year old boys, you'd support him.
So @Cypress - do you also support sexually grooming 5 and 6 year old children, as this sick pervert does?
I do not support grooming children. You can fuck right off with your sick allegations.
Yes you do - adamantly.

There are DOZENS of posts from you promoting grooming of children by public schools.

It's a fact - you support grooming and the exposure of very young children to hard core pornography.
Wow, Sybil. Nice double 12B!

Better make big donation now before you end up taking a vacay. LOL
Sick and perverted.
A big round of applause for JPP's newest contributor and a contestant for January's "Pay to Play" contest!

YAYYYYYYY!!! Good luck, Sybil!
Just an FYI... reporting more posts from the same guy that were made before the warning will not get a different response.