Vick / The libertarian view

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Even in slaughtering cattle there are specific laws on how it must be done to make it more humane. One cannot, for instance, slam the cow/bull into the ground until it is dead, or hang it, or electrocute it. Of course, a rancher knows that adreneline makes meat taste differently and would avoid all of these things as well or he would likely end up selling less of his stock in the end.

Animate property are different than, say, a fence post.

Well, that only addresses how you slaughter the dogs.

I agree, as I mentioned in my best argument for illegalization, it's not a fence post.

Still, there is no clear distinction on what is cruel. That is why I suggest a supermajority, which I'd guess would be easy to achieve in this case.
Well, that only addresses how you slaughter the dogs.

I agree, as I mentioned in my best argument for illegalization, it's not a fence post.

Still, there is no clear distinction on what is cruel. That is why I suggest a supermajority, which I'd guess would be easy to achieve in this case.
I think people would be less outraged about Vick had he euthanized them for cause in the most humane way possible. It is the description in the senselessly violent way that they were killed that makes it such an outrage.

A person they 'knew' and liked did WHAT?
And pretending that the ways that Vick killed these dogs is not brutal is pretense only.

On this you and I agree. Vick's slaughter of "under-performing" dogs is repulsive and sociopathic. I also think that we can both agree that the sport is brutal and distasteful and that most people who were ever involved in it at all should have out grown it about the time they reached adulthood.
Tar and Feathers

Given that Vick's actions did not deny any person their rights, or use force or fraud against any person, how does a pure liberatarian view dogfighting?

That would depend on the libertarian. Libertarians are on both sides of every moral issue, just like everyone else. Is this a problem that needs government intervention? Wouldn't it be better to keep government out of the equation and simply Tar and Feather the jerk?