VICTORY FRIENDS: Should Eagle Eye and Bull Durham be ex-communicated?

Should Eagle Eye and Bull Durham be ex-communicated?

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You are picking your 'Facts' out of you ass to make your (and Corporate America) argument that EVERYTHING should be made by 'Third World Labor'.
We ALL like 'Cheap Prices'. Using 'Third World Labor' accomplishes that. I (me Jack) understand that, you (Truth Detector) try to make excuses about "Americans won't do that kind of Work".

No, they won't. Most couldn't do that work for 6 hours, much less eight. Have you ever picked strawberries or harvested grapes by hand Jack?

WRONG; American consumers concluded that they weren't willing to pay the price of using American labor. ;)

Construction costs in the SE are half of what they are in New York City area. Do you know why Jack?
These two Democrat Stooges support importing MORE people into the US.
Friend to American Labor, President Trump, says "No".

"Donald Trump bans ALL immigration into the U.S. to 'protect jobs' as coronavirus pandemic puts 22 million Americans out of work"

It's with great sadness that I request a Vote.

Not enough viable options. More likely they'd be happy to be left together alone in a hotel room with a large bottle of hand lotion.

As for Trump, is this really a surprise?
You are picking your 'Facts' out of you ass to make your (and Corporate America) argument that EVERYTHING should be made by 'Third World Labor'.
We ALL like 'Cheap Prices'. Using 'Third World Labor' accomplishes that. I (me Jack) understand that, you (Truth Detector) try to make excuses about "Americans won't do that kind of Work".

No, YOU are pulling bullshit out of your ass claiming that I said "everything." I just gave you facts. I know you find facts inconvenient. I know you find reality inconvenient. It is what it is.

I see you didn't want to have an honest debate about this. But rather, wallow in your own fantastical delusions lacking facts or reality. Carry on! ;)
^Jack's voting for Trump in November. ;)

I'm not Voting for Trump, in November or any other time.
I'm a little shocked that the typical 'Democrat' thinks importing Third World Labor is 'helping' American Labor.
I understand the Shareholding Class supporting this, because it's 'All about the Money'.
The Worker Drones aren't the Shareholding Class.
I'm not surprised the Worker Drones Vote for Trump, at least he pretends he's on their side. The Democrats openly stab the Drones in the back ... then wonder, with mouths open, how did we lose?
They just aren't critical thinkers, they go along with whatever they're told. This is the new excuse the Democratic governors are making so they can keep their economies closed for as long as possible. Testing testing testing.

I agree there is a severe lack of critical thinking, but the question is "Who is or isn't doing it?"

Why do you really think a Governor, regardless of party, would tube his own state's economy? Isn't that grounds for a recall?
I'm guessing you don't want YOUR Job being taken over by 'Third World Labor'. But, you don't have a problem with everybody else's Job being taken over by Third World Labor, because that would mean 'Lower Prices' ... for YOU.

No, YOU are pulling bullshit out of your ass claiming that I said "everything." I just gave you facts. I know you find facts inconvenient. I know you find reality inconvenient. It is what it is.

I see you didn't want to have an honest debate about this. But rather, wallow in your own fantastical delusions lacking facts or reality. Carry on! ;)
'America First' means putting Americans and America at the front of the line before you start worrying about a bunch of Foreigners.
Somehow, someway, you have started to put Foreigners before Americans.

(according to the recent Voting ... you have been cast as a Traitor)

Funny the only ones who voted yes are leftwing maggots. Jack I'm really disappointed in you.
I agree there is a severe lack of critical thinking, but the question is "Who is or isn't doing it?"

Why do you really think a Governor, regardless of party, would tube his own state's economy? Isn't that grounds for a recall?

I do think Democrat governors would trash their economies to get rid of the bad orange man. And they would have the backing of their psychopathic constituents.

I do think Democrat governors would trash their economies to get rid of the bad orange man. And they would have the backing of their psychopathic constituents.

It's not just political suicide, but probably illegal, for any Governor to deliberately abuse their jobs and violate their oaths of office.

Sorry, dude, but that's a conspiracy theory that doesn't exist.
It's not just political suicide, but probably illegal, for any Governor to deliberately abuse their jobs and violate their oaths of office.

Sorry, dude, but that's a conspiracy theory that doesn't exist.

How is it political suicide? They can blame it all on the Bad Orange Man. Did you watch the video? It's not a conspiracy theory at all. Look at the way these governors are behaving. Banning all kinds of stupid shit, and extending shutdowns out of spite.
The Poll is only open to the Victory Friends. These are your former associates disowning you ... for Treason!

How is it political suicide? They can blame it all on the Bad Orange Man. Did you watch the video? It's not a conspiracy theory at all. Look at the way these governors are behaving. Banning all kinds of stupid shit, and extending shutdowns out of spite.
Dude, this isn't high school where the class president is suspected of buying a soda with donated money. Governors actions are closely monitored. Even if all of his top tier were in on this conspiracy, second tier leaders, secretaries and such would see it happening. It doesn't even have to be at the time. It could come out a year later and the Governor would be thrown out of office, arrested and charged.

IMHO, sane, educated and intelligent adults would expect a Governor could never get away with deliberately harming his entire state for personal gain. That's a solid reason for impeachment.
Dude, this isn't high school where the class president is suspected of buying a soda with donated money. Governors actions are closely monitored. Even if all of his top tier were in on this conspiracy, second tier leaders, secretaries and such would see it happening. It doesn't even have to be at the time. It could come out a year later and the Governor would be thrown out of office, arrested and charged.

IMHO, sane, educated and intelligent adults would expect a Governor could never get away with deliberately harming his entire state for personal gain. That's a solid reason for impeachment.

Whatever man, believe whatever you want. I will believe what is actually before my eyes.
This is why we have to leave it up to the adults to handle this. What good is testing every American going to do? Let's say you get tested, the test is negative, then you go to the grocery store and massage all the tomatoes, fondle all the avocados, and juggle the lemons and oranges. And then you get coronavirus. What good did the test do? Now sit down, shut up, and let the smart people handle this.

Before the world will be normal again- we will all have to be tested anyway!

Babies and toddlers- Every daycare center in the world will want to assure every child be tested before they will be allowed back in!

School age children through college adults- No school is going to readily admit any student back to class who has not been tested.

Adults- No working adult will be permitted back on the job without being tested!

Retired- They are the most vulnerable among us and should have by now all been tested.

DO you know why? Because if we don't, we will all be right back here in our underwear confined to our homes again all to soon!

Until we are all vaccinated against this virus- we will have to rely on tests- tests- and more tests!
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Why do YOU support importing Third World Labor into the US?
(If you are a Capitalist, and admit you just want to Lower Wages of American Workers, I will understand that)

Let me tell you why- Because it takes engineers to stay up with technology.

America is in dire need of engineers, and engineers requires math degrees, and our young adults are not choosing those kinds of studies.

Asia is cranking out math degrees 10x to 1 here.

Look, I know personally as I am an engineer and I worked for Texas Instruments and eventually lost my career and job to foreingers as our jobs went overseas.

Not because TI wanted to save money on labor- but because of the availabily in Asia of Math degree'd engineers. They just got frustrated of having to bring them here, so they sent the whole kit and kaboodle over there because there is an over abundance of math degree'd engineers there already. Thousands of other companies like Texas Instruments did the same thing for the same reasons.

Don't blame me dude- as I did everything I was supposed to do.

If you knew the industry- you would understand the problem!

It's not about me personally dude!

So play the blame game with someone else OK!
Let me tell you why- Because it takes engineers to stay up with technology.

America is in dire need of engineers, and engineers requires math degrees, and our young adults are not choosing those kinds of studies.

Asia is cranking out math degrees 10x to 1 here.

Look, I know personally as I am an engineer and I worked for Texas Instruments and eventually lost my career and job to foreingers as our jobs went overseas.

Not because TI wanted to save money on labor- but because of the availabily in Asia of Math degree'd engineers. They just got frustrated of having to bring them here, so they sent the whole kit and kaboodle over there because there is an over abundance of math degree'd engineers there already. Thousands of other companies like Texas Instruments did the same thing for the same reasons.

Don't blame me dude- as I did everything I was supposed to do.

If you knew the industry- you would understand the problem!

It's not about me personally dude!

So play the blame game with someone else OK!

My question isn't about 'outsourcing'. My question is 'Importing Third World Labor'.
Now, you could tie that to 'Americans lack Technical degrees' and that would be a legitimate argument.