Video: School Children sing Hymn to Barack H. Obama

Who wrote the lyrics?
From what I can tell it was the people who were teaching the song, why would that matter? Would it make singing to the "Great Leader" as part of your school day more appropriate if you liked the person who wrote the song?
Man, I have to read a lefty's post, like BAC, to get a substantive and mature criticism of Obama.

All the rightwing has on this board is birth certificates, secret muslim, speeches to school kids, and songs. WEAK.
Turn back the calendar 8 years and replace the word "Obama" with "Bush" and these lefties would be shitting their drawers.
Turn back the calendar 8 years and replace the word "Obama" with "Bush" and these lefties would be shitting their drawers.
No, you are wrong, we were so concerned about other activities of his own, we didn't have time to worry about what all his idiot followers were doing! Christie also showed where there was a song to Bush. It didn't matter then, it doesn't matter now! There are bigger fish to fry then one bad teacher and a handful of children, most who will forget the song!
it was virtually identical to a hymn and in fact they used language similar if not exact to a it what you want, but the facts speak for themselves

Then you can show me where it's lyrics are "exact to a hymn".

Facts is facts, right?
No, you are wrong, we were so concerned about other activities of his own, we didn't have time to worry about what all his idiot followers were doing! Christie also showed where there was a song to Bush. It didn't matter then, it doesn't matter now! There are bigger fish to fry then one bad teacher and a handful of children, most who will forget the song!
Actually, as usual, I'm right. And I just looked through entire thread and didn't find a post like that from Christie.
Then you can show me where it's lyrics are "exact to a hymn".

Facts is facts, right?

great.....then you must agree it is similar...IOW....they a song about a obama contained similar wording as to a hymn.....

thanks for that!

and here is a nice liberal source for you zappygetard....

One song that the children were taught quotes directly from the spiritual "Jesus Loves the Little Children," though Jesus' name is replaced with Obama's: "He said red, yellow, black or white/All are equal in his sight. Barack Hussein Obama."

Read more at:
For a long time, frog has seen things that were never there, only in her wild, distorted imagination. Sad!!
And here she is, right on cue, projecting, as she does so very well!

Christie did post, it may not be on this thread, I don't keep track...I shall find it!
Yeah, been there, done that!

Another thing: the song was created and sung in February 2009, Black History month, when the students were learning about famous black Americans. So whether or not it was inappropriate may be in the eyes of the beholder, but at least they should keep it in context.
Christie, where is the song for George W? Tutu is calling me a liar once again, her projecting, she really must get over it!
I'm sure you completely forgot the hymn to bush at the WH Easter egg roll in 2006. :rolleyes:

Our country's stood beside us People have sent us aid. Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade. Congress, Bush and FEMA People across our land Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand!
Ahahahaha, she was even replying to the Tutu, too, two, to funny one! and she doesn't even remember! Ahahahahaha, I love when this happens.

In your face, biatchai!
Ahahahaha, she was even replying to the Tutu, too, two, to funny one! and she doesn't even remember! Ahahahahaha, I love when this happens.

In your face, biatchai!

froggie, do you have the link to the actual story that covers this? Because the link in her thread does not take you to that song or a story about it.

edit... found a better link to it...

Note... it is not quite the same. One is an ode to Obama. The other is one is to all the leaders in DC. Note it mentions CONGRESS, Bush and FEMA. Granted they all failed with regards to Katrina, but that does not change the fact that it was to all the leadership in DC and not a 'Bush is the messiah' type song.

I would prefer neither have occured, but the former (2006) is not nearly as bad as the latter (2009) in my opinion.
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