Video that liberals must ignore if they wish to cling to their illusions

The lady has a right to her opinions, the right to express those opinions, and the right to vote for who she wants to lead her.

But, she does come across as being extremely hateful, self important and self-centered, as she expressed her views.

However, there are two ways to deal with the Immigration problem- We can deal with the Immigration problem in humane sensible ways, or we can deal with it in extremely hateful and inhumane ways.

That is why we have a choice when we go down to the voter's booth.
The lady has a right to her opinions, the right to express those opinions, and the right to vote for who she wants to lead her.

But, she does come across as being extremely hateful, self important and self-centered, as she expressed her views.

However, there are two ways to deal with the Immigration problem- We can deal with the Immigration problem in humane sensible ways, or we can deal with it in extremely hateful and inhumane ways.

That is why we have a choice when we go down to the voter's booth.

Can you explain in detail why the DEMOCRATS in Congress failed to deliver immigration reform when they held majorities in both federal legislative bodies?
Can you explain in detail why the DEMOCRATS in Congress failed to deliver immigration reform when they held majorities in both federal legislative bodies?

I think you fail to see all of the Immigration reforms that have been induced by Congress over the last 2 presidential administrations prior to Donald Trump's!

Of course, many things were brought to the floor, that didn't have 60% approval during Trump's, Obama's, and Bush's Administrations. Because it certainly was not because Obama or Bush didn't want Immigration reform.

So, don't just blame Democrats- as they are only half of the equation!
So you have no cogent explanation for the inaction of Congressional DEMOCRATS on the the issue of immigration reform?

I think you are making insinuations that are not true.

You are either another loudmouth trying to blame everything on Democrats because you are politically biased in these matters, or you simply don't understand the 60% approval rule of Congress in order to bring reform into law.

Congress is supposed to find and reach middle ground and come to at least a 60% consensus on all matters. If they can't, laws should not come into being in the first place.
Because have no cogent explanation for the inaction of Congressional DEMOCRATS on the issue of immigration reform?

You are starting to look like one of those crazy preachers preaching into the wind, laughing and talking to yourself in a very creepy sort of way!!

Wow! Dude! Get a life!
You are starting to look like one of those crazy preachers preaching into the wind, laughing and talking to yourself in a very creepy sort of way!!

Wow! Dude! Get a life!

Your inability to form a cogent explanation for the inaction of Congressional DEMOCRATS on the issue of immigration reform is noted. You may go now.