Yes, the poster formerly known as Perry PhD has used sock puppets in the past, lied about it, and posted under at least a couple dozen different names and accounts. Those are all hallmarks of someone who isn't posting in good faith.Don't even bother, Cypress. This guy is a phony...maybe a troll.
The true natue of the REALITY of existence is in question. We do not know if existsence as we humans perceive it has always been and always will be...or if it was created (or caused to be created) by some external thing. Sensible, reasonable, intelligent, sane people are agnostic on that question.
In order to make his "atheism" seem reasonable he wants to suggest that in order to be "consistent", one must be agnostic about things like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy also. (I suppose also about teapots circling Jupiter, Spagetti monsters and invisible whatevers whereever.) He gives no decent reason why the consistency is important. Fact is, if there is an inconsistent is the one that uses "atheism" as a descriptor.
Atheists are like theists...wedded to their guesses (BELIEFS) and they require it of themselves to defend their positon no matter how silly or unreasonable the effort becomes.
He often mentions he doesn't want to destroy any beliefs of the theists with whom he interacts. I doubt he really means that. Mostly he wants to pretend that all the people with whom he interacts are small people with little intelligence...unworthy of his great knowledg. But the idea is a good one. I certainly do not want to break a relgious person's spirit. (I also do not want them inapropiately interfering with our freedoms in the name of their gods.) And I also do not want to break the belief driven spirit of atheists like him.
Engage him on this issue if you must, but it is going nowhere. And be careful you do not accidentally crack his belief system and injure his spirit.
It is rational to believe there is an author of the universe, even if that belief ends up being wrong.
There is nothing rational about believing in the tooth fairy, it is irrelevant and serves no function or purpose is ontological questions about reality we have .