Vomit-inducing virtue signaling

I just bet you can, with all that experience. :rofl2:

Best friend's mom was a fag hag. I've been seeing trannies since the 80s. 40% commit suicide.

Me n him don't understand it and don't care to. Love her for what she is, and we do what we want to do.

Truthfully none of her faggot friends have ever gotten out of line with us. We'd probably beat their ass if they did.

It's really always been pretty chill, even if we are looking at them sideways. They're not like leftist online fags, they're real-life regular fags.

They don't condone pushing the faggotry onto children, for instance.

For instance, the air show just happened, usually she'd have a 1/2 dozen of 'em over for that..several times..they never got disrespectful or out of line.

They were respectful of us and we all got along and it was all good! :dunno:
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Ofc you'd troll that. :palm:

I got the best dog I ever had from her, oh man he was a character!

I took him because out of the litter, he just stuck his face in the bowl and started Hoovering. :laugh:

It was my dog's son with her dog, but there was like 5 in the litter and I picked him. I regret nothing!

Well, maybe his 2AM self blowjobs. Whatcha gonna do, though? :dunno:

One time I snapped a towel on top of his head..I'm a bad man. :(

I think I thumped his ear, too. None of that worked. Fuck it.

The worst part is when you could hear him swallow. Then he'd stretch out next to my foot.

He fucked every dog in heat for a mile circular. He would go far for ass.

Someday I plan to find some of his offspring, and he has plenty.

I'll know them when I see them.
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