VOTE NOW for Retard of the Month!!!

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on indefiniate mod break
Rank the following nominated quotes on a scale of 1-5.

1 = Mild case of downs
5 = Full Retard

Everything will then be tabulated and a winner will be declared.

Winner is not determined by who has the most quotes of themselves nominated. The winner is determined by the possessor of the highest ranked retarded quote.

Vote will run for 48ish hours.. cause we have to end this sometime.

For ease of calculation, copy the following template and then fill in your scores:

Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 3:
Quote 4:
Quote 5:
Quote 6:
Quote 7:
Quote 8:
Quote 9:
Quote 10:
Quote 11:

See second post for the nominations.

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Quote 1:

"Right wing terrorists... have no beef with innocent Americans..." - Darth Hussein Omar


Quote 2:

if you hate government than you hate this country.

the founders designed government anew and Americans love what they were given,

evil fucking traitors from within hate government and want to kill it.

you are one


Quote 3:

Once people get into this 'Would you do anything?' mindset, that's when fascism starts to infect the society.


Quote 4:

because your opinion is based on fucking lies and hate of anything or anyone who cares about another living thing.

you are a terrible human being

You will be alone all your life


Quote 5:

We scare pretty easy. If you're ISIS, you have to look at the national reaction to the attack in CA and feel incredibly powerful, just like OBL likely rejoiced in our reaction to 9/11.

Personally, I feel no different after what happened last week. I obviously hate to see innocent people killed, but there is still a far greater chance that I'd be killed driving to the supermarket, or crushed by furniture.

But I watch TV & listen to the radio, and it seems that my fellow Americans are now terrified beyond belief. What gives on that? Can anyone offer a rational explanation for why that makes sense?


Quote 6:

I'm a capitalist you fucking idiot


Quote 7:
Do you support Obamacare?
(context: "Equating supporting Obamacare as being mutually exclusive with supporting Capitalism is pretty retarded")


Quote 8:
I nominate this one Grind. Equating supporting Obamacare as being mutually exclusive with supporting Capitalism is pretty retarded
(context: mott's nomination of kaz was then re-nominated by kaz, seconded by truthdetector, thirded by super)


Quote 9:

It's incredible that when government creates a contrived market, eliminates it's competitors, forces you to play, dictates your choices and funds half the participants, the leftists see "capitalism" in that. It's delusional.

Free markets means consumers and producers have free choices, not one choice dictated by government


Quote 10:

Capitalism should be abolished anyway. We need to start rolling out five year plans.


Quote 11:

"What's so bad about what Donald Trump said?" - Irish
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Quote 11: 3
grind laughing while an innocent animal suffers and dies is sociopathic.

bragging about it is also sociopathic
Wow, what was I thinking? We're a capitalist country, or at least we should be? Government is inept? We can make our own decisions without government? I was being stupid.

Remember folks, vote for me! Quotes 7 and 9! I'm just out of touch, and that, is ridiculous.

I am kaz and I endorse this message
The disconnect for Kaz was thinking that evince could understand what capitalism is. For that alone I vote #7. But I hope that no one here actually thinks that Obamacare is capitalism in action.
The disconnect for Kaz was thinking that evince could understand what capitalism is. For that alone I vote #7. But I hope that no one here actually thinks that Obamacare is capitalism in action.

One vote for me, thanks! I'm completely disjointed from reality thinking we can run our own lives, I've earned this election!

As to your "hope," they actually think when you are offered government defined choices and you have to pick one, that is capitalism. That's how truly stupid they are
Quote 1:


Quote 2:


Quote 3:


Quote 4:


Quote 5:


Quote 6:


Quote 7:

(context: "Equating supporting Obamacare as being mutually exclusive with supporting Capitalism is pretty retarded")


Quote 8:

(context: mott's nomination of kaz was then re-nominated by kaz, seconded by truthdetector, thirded by super)


Quote 9:


Quote 10:


Quote 11:

Alright desh I didndt want to ban you from this thread given you are nominated a couple of times but I refuse to indulge a miserable bitch like yourself. Thread will be remade with you thread banned.
Alright desh I didndt want to ban you from this thread given you are nominated a couple of times but I refuse to indulge a miserable bitch like yourself. Thread will be remade with you thread banned.

Maybe you should be nominated for retard of the month for not thread banning the dumb bitch
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