Voter ID is not voter suppression

you are not helping your case at all. It just prove we have to really beef up security - how the hell is there 22% and MORE?
oh yeah- democrats do not believe in security and integrity and fairness. you believe in your feefees and hedonism and are just absolutely power hungry.
You have 0 ethics and are ANTI-AMERICA. :

Again only American citizens have a right to vote- not anti american npcs and corpses aka democrats

You didn’t prove the 22% shit asshole
fact is according to leftists, leftists are NOT human beings!
And accordingly have no human rights- much less American right to vote in American elections. lol
ONLY US Citizens- human beings, not dogs, nor cats, nor whatever elfkin, nor corpses etc have a right to vote.
we need a basic American litmus test- if we did have one, or even mention the word economics - we would know virtually 100% of democrats would fail it.
Every single other country- including the democrats lauded sweden hell even communist China all have certain requirement for citizenship - basic litmus test at least. Leftists though abhor such notions of integrity and sanity- cause leftists are degenerates who want to destroy all they touch
you can not be a democrat unless you commit logical fallacy after fallacy and do mental gymnastics all day

Remember- according to degenerate democrats, love is hate, peace is war, freedom is Slavery, good is bad, fraud is not fraud, truth is lies, ignorance is strength, dogma is science and scarcity and biology don't exist!
we need a basic American litmus test- if we did have one, or even mention the word economics - we would know virtually 100% of democrats would fail it.
Every single other country- including the democrats lauded sweden hell even communist China all have certain requirement for citizenship - basic litmus test at least. Leftists though abhor such notions of integrity and sanity- cause leftists are degenerates who want to destroy all they touch

Keep lapping Putins ass you stupid fucking russian
Keep lapping Putins ass you stupid fucking russian

it is cool how you make admissions through your projections. the ONLY ones who want to subvert America in favor of russians and the chinese communists etc are DEMOCRATS AND LEFTISTS like yourselves and biden!
Tell me again about biden's dealings with China and Ukraine lol.
it is cool how you make admissions through your projections. the ONLY ones who want to subvert America in favor of russians and the chinese communists etc are DEMOCRATS AND LEFTISTS like yourselves and biden!
Tell me again about biden's dealings with China and Ukraine lol.

The entire American intel system said putin worked to get trump elected

You hate Americans huh