APP - Voter suppression in Texas - focusing on women now

As America and more and more areas of the country revert more and more to some kind of increasingly permanent right wing rule, some people here would do well to conaider this oft repeated statement and consider it long and hard!

Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

The quotation stems from Niemöller's lectures during the early postwar period. Different versions of the quotation exist. These can be attributed to the fact that Niemöller spoke extemporaneously and in a number of settings.

Something to read that actually means something, I surely hope 2ct biggysmallz doesnt post one of his silly youtubes because he hasnt an intelligent response to this.
it is not that they are taking the right to vote away, but that they are making it more difficult...for women but not men
Typically, 'they' are making it difficult for anyone who might vote Democrat. They're shutting down polling places in Blue districts in other states.

I don't have a problem with I.D regulation. But, when these states do it mere months before an election, that leads to court challenges. If a given state wants to enact new I.D. laws, then they must provide ample time, and they must waive all fees associated with securing said documentation.
Typically, 'they' are making it difficult for anyone who might vote Democrat. They're shutting down polling places in Blue districts in other states.

I don't have a problem with I.D regulation. But, when these states do it mere months before an election, that leads to court challenges. If a given state wants to enact new I.D. laws, then they must provide ample time, and they must waive all fees associated with securing said documentation.

I share the same sentiments, I dont have a problem with voter ID either but the way they are manuevering it in teaparty states like texas and Scott in florida its blatantly to reduce the democrat vote and enhance gop chances to win by default
As America and more and more areas of the country revert more and more to some kind of increasingly permanent right wing rule, some people here would do well to conaider this oft repeated statement and consider it long and hard!

Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

The quotation stems from Niemöller's lectures during the early postwar period. Different versions of the quotation exist. These can be attributed to the fact that Niemöller spoke extemporaneously and in a number of settings.

i wonder if the radical right has ever given thought to the possibility that the quote may apply to them some day.
the repugs are getting desperate

Based on posts on JPP, the desperation appears to be coming from lefttards. The sad reality is that Democrats are just as poor winners as they are bad losers.

People who support Progressive Liberalism have to be borderline retarded. They mindlessly parrot DNC talking points like trained circus monkeys.
I'm amused by the brain dead argument that requiring one to prove who they are is voter suppression. Our founders would probably suggest we have IQ tests for voters based on recent election results where the most inexperienced dimwit won.
i wonder if the radical right has ever given thought to the possibility that the quote may apply to them some day.

No, because only painfully stupid people could think that it does.

That stated; who do you think are these "radical" right you refer to?
Based on posts on JPP, the desperation appears to be coming from lefttards. The sad reality is that Democrats are just as poor winners as they are bad losers.

People who support Progressive Liberalism have to be borderline retarded. They mindlessly parrot DNC talking points like trained circus monkeys.

you have not been following the news, even cheney has been talking about the repugs need to change or they will be left behind because of the growing change in demographics of the voting population

in fact you are part of the growing losers

oh well
you have not been following the news, even cheney has been talking about the repugs need to change or they will be left behind because of the growing change in demographics of the voting population

in fact you are part of the growing losers

oh well

I do follow the news, and shocker, Cheney is wrong. It's always amusing and ironic when leftists like you who claim that Cheney is a modern day Darth Vader and liar quote him if he says something you can agree with in a desperate bid for relevance.

It is equally amusing that you think Democrats are winners. Right now, the nation is slowly waking up to the painful reality of what a disaster this President is and has been and the train wreck called Obamacare which was the result of giving Democrats total power in Washington which they correctly walked back in 2010.

If 14% real unemployment is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If 5 years of economic malaise is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If low wage part time jobs is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If increased costs in healthcare forced on you by Government incompetence is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If Benghazi, the IRS scandal and now the NSA spying is your idea of winning; you can have it.
I do follow the news, and shocker, Cheney is wrong. It's always amusing and ironic when leftists like you who claim that Cheney is a modern day Darth Vader and liar quote him if he says something you can agree with in a desperate bid for relevance.

It is equally amusing that you think Democrats are winners. Right now, the nation is slowly waking up to the painful reality of what a disaster this President is and has been and the train wreck called Obamacare which was the result of giving Democrats total power in Washington which they correctly walked back in 2010.

If 14% real unemployment is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If 5 years of economic malaise is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If low wage part time jobs is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If increased costs in healthcare forced on you by Government incompetence is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If Benghazi, the IRS scandal and now the NSA spying is your idea of winning; you can have it.

Why not just stick to the subject "Voter suppression of women" and not get off on one of your Dixie inspired hate rants that has nothing to do with voter suppression? All of the silly examples you constantly bitch about, unemployment, economic malaise, low wage part time jobs, increased costs in healthcare can be explained by over 30 yrs of failed conservative ideology. Benghazi, the IRS scandal and now the NSA spying are propaganda tools used by your corporate masters to keep you in place and stir up your hatred. So stick to the subject and try to stay on track and admit that you believe this...

Admitting to yourself that you don't believe in this is the first step to your recovery.
So much hate, so little content. I hope one day you'll learn to debate and evolve into a human.

You're like a dog, no matter what you tell him the answer is Arf, Arf, Arf.
Because you incredibly dense dimwit; I was answering someone else’s desperate off topic assertions.

But you’re an incredibly ignorant dimwit; how can I expect you to have the common sense to comprehend even the obvious?

This is a lie dimwit; those can be directly attributed to leftist Democrat ideologues who dupe ignorant buffoons like you into electing them by promising you something for nothing on the backs of those who actually create the jobs in this country.

But you are an incredibly ignorant uninformed dullard; how can I expect you to have the common sense to comprehend even the obvious?

Wrong again dimwit; they are the actions of this grossly inept and inexperienced dimwit of a President you voted for and desperately support.

But you are an incredibly ignorant uninformed dullard; how can I expect you to have the common sense to comprehend even the obvious?

Yes, you really are THAT stupid. Your repugnantly stupid effeminate selective outrage has been noted however.

Carry on; you really are THAT stupid.

Ah....what section are you posting in?
Why not just stick to the subject "Voter suppression of women" and not get off on one of your Dixie inspired hate rants that has nothing to do with voter suppression?

Hello; I was responding to someone else’s dullard claims.

Dixie inspired hate rants? What an incredibly stupid claim. Do you ever debate honestly; or is constructing strawman arguments part of the repertoire of ignorance you like to exude?

All of the silly examples you constantly bitch about, unemployment, economic malaise, low wage part time jobs, increased costs in healthcare can be explained by over 30 yrs of failed conservative ideology.

Wrong; they represent the failed leftist ideology you eschew. By the way, Obama is the President and has been for nearly five years; when will he start being held accountable for the malaise of his policies?

Benghazi, the IRS scandal and now the NSA spying are propaganda tools used by your corporate masters to keep you in place and stir up your hatred. So stick to the subject and try to stay on track and admit that you believe this...

I am amused that you think that these events are propaganda tools; how so?

Admitting to yourself that you don't believe in this is the first step to your recovery.

Admitting to yourself that you are a painfully uninformed partisan is the first step to your recovery. Although getting educated and not mindlessly parroting leftist talking points in a vacuum of the truth and reality would go a long way as well.

Was this better Lorca?
Ah....what section are you posting in?

: - X

You know what this is? I have a tendancy to merely respond to e-mails and don't notice the particular forum they are in; I have GOT to start paying closer attention or I am going to get into BIG trouble.
I do follow the news, and shocker, Cheney is wrong. It's always amusing and ironic when leftists like you who claim that Cheney is a modern day Darth Vader and liar quote him if he says something you can agree with in a desperate bid for relevance.

It is equally amusing that you think Democrats are winners. Right now, the nation is slowly waking up to the painful reality of what a disaster this President is and has been and the train wreck called Obamacare which was the result of giving Democrats total power in Washington which they correctly walked back in 2010.

If 14% real unemployment is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If 5 years of economic malaise is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If low wage part time jobs is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If increased costs in healthcare forced on you by Government incompetence is your idea of winning; you can have it.

If Benghazi, the IRS scandal and now the NSA spying is your idea of winning; you can have it.

and of course the repugs contributed so little to the mess that the nation us in...sure - what administration thought up and passed the usa patriot act and did its best to repeal banking regulations?
and of course the repugs contributed so little to the mess that the nation us in...sure - what administration thought up and passed the usa patriot act and did its best to repeal banking regulations?

or lied us into 2 unfunded wars and at the same time lowered taxes on the wealthy. We could go on and on with this blockhead and never chip away any of his conditioning. 2+2=5

I get more truth from my dog when she says Arf!
and of course the repugs contributed so little to the mess that the nation us in...sure - what administration thought up and passed the usa patriot act and did its best to repeal banking regulations?

The last time I looked it was BOTH parties who were all in over the Patriot Act; or do you pretend that 9-11 never happened?

As for the repeal of banking legislation; if you are talking about the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, that was done in 1999 and the last time I looked, President Clinton signed that into law. We call this BI-PARTISAN.

I thought you uninformed lefties liked it when Congress worked with the other side?

Once again; you illustrate someone apparently suffering from bad memory and low information.
or lied us into 2 unfunded wars

You have a profound propensity to lie; why is it that every post you feel compelled to lie. Are you this painfully uninformed or just a rabid low information hyper partisan hack?

By the way, if you are going to make repugnantly stupid comments like this, please back it up with proof where any country including ours FUNDED their wars. This comment is so pitifully stupid as to border on mentally deficient.

No one can be this stupid can they?

and at the same time lowered taxes on the wealthy.

Wrong again; taxes were lowered for EVERYONE, not just the rich. Are you this painfully uninformed or just a rabid low information hyper partisan hack?

We could go on and on with this blockhead and never chip away any of his conditioning. 2+2=5

Apparently you think I am the blockhead while making completely false and stupid claims. Are you this painfully uninformed or just a rabid low information hyper partisan hack?

I get more truth from my dog when she says Arf!

Based on the amount of repugnant lies you eschew in this forum, it is apparent you couldn’t comprehend the truth or reality if they walked up and slapped you on that thick empty skull. Are you this painfully uninformed or just a rabid low information hyper partisan hack?
I’m betting your dog has more intelligence. Arf! :rolleyes:
Hello; I was responding to someone else’s dullard claims.

Dixie inspired hate rants? What an incredibly stupid claim. Do you ever debate honestly; or is constructing strawman arguments part of the repertoire of ignorance you like to exude?

Wrong; they represent the failed leftist ideology you eschew. By the way, Obama is the President and has been for nearly five years; when will he start being held accountable for the malaise of his policies?

I am amused that you think that these events are propaganda tools; how so?

Admitting to yourself that you are a painfully uninformed partisan is the first step to your recovery. Although getting educated and not mindlessly parroting leftist talking points in a vacuum of the truth and reality would go a long way as well.

Was this better Lorca?


Now...was that so hard?