voter supression

the history is undeniable.

the FACTS get out to more and more people every time the republican Cheat anew.

the demographics are getting more and more away from the right.

Soon they will NOT be able to cheat without getting caught.

Oh Deshy, bless yer heart.

Hey were you able to log into
and that is all you have huh?

Your party that is so slimey you don't claim them yourself although you vote for republicans and defend their actions all day long here yet you think that somehow makes you a good person?

your human trash to back the things you back
and you are mixing things all up.

I am talking party actions.

It is completely provable that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades.

why do you pretend all the court cases mean nothing?

Well, then prove it.....and checking to see if voters actually lived at the given address on their registration is not cheating,...its what should be done
as a matter of course by the federal government to ensure the integration of an give that crap a rest already.

now I'll wait for this proof of 'cheating for decades' bullshit.
Hey Deshy Glad you are back posting. I was worried that maybe you had a massive stroke or something because you were absent yesterday. Or maybe you were off investigating who sabotaged the bamsters website that is failing miserably.

I was worried the UFO had come back for her.
the history is undeniable.

the FACTS get out to more and more people every time the republican Cheat anew.

the demographics are getting more and more away from the right.

Soon they will NOT be able to cheat without getting caught.

The most infamous historical election cheaters were LBJ (Texas) and Daley (Chicago) Democrats

and you're right about the demographics of the country....illegals overrunning the country, etc.....thats why the dems fight about voter ID regulations,
if voters had to prove their right to vote, dems would be in the shitter.......
yes most FAMOUS NOT worst offenders.

So how does the MEDIA explain why they had NO problem exposing the Dems many many many years ago yet protect the republican party from the public scrutiny?
yes most FAMOUS NOT worst offenders.

So how does the MEDIA explain why they had NO problem exposing the Dems many many many years ago yet protect the republican party from the public scrutiny?

First, you should look up those hard words you don't understand...

I said INfamous, not in... having an extremely bad reputation. deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully bad; detestable

The MEDIA was, once upon a time, fair and balanced.
Now, it is notorious for protecting the left, the liberals, the Democrats ....not the other way around.

AND...checking to see if voters actually lived at the given address on their registration is not cheating,...its what should be done
as a matter of course by the federal government to ensure the integration of an give that crap a rest already.

STILL waiting for this proof of 'cheating for decades' bullshit.

At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree

US Supreme Court on Monday turned aside a petition from the Republican National Committee to lift a 30-year-old consent decree. The decree requires the RNC to refrain from tactics that could suppress voting rights.

By Warren Richey, Staff writer / January 14, 2013

why do you never face these cold hard court documented facts?

At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree

US Supreme Court on Monday turned aside a petition from the Republican National Committee to lift a 30-year-old consent decree. The decree requires the RNC to refrain from tactics that could suppress voting rights.

By Warren Richey, Staff writer / January 14, 2013

why do you never face these cold hard court documented facts?

Thats all ya got.....a 30 year old consent decree...a 30-year-old consent decree that restricts the political party’s ability to enforce preelection ballot security programs.

Yeah...the last thing we want is to enforce election ballot security....

The gov. won't do its job and now political parties are not allowed to do it either....

Maybe you pinheads are afraid to find out the facts about how election fraud would expose your side....