Voting For Hillary Is Voting Against Women

"Any woman who would vote for Hillary who will likely let more of them in are brainwashed scum."

is to judge them to harshly ..

many people are just not informed .. or deliberately misinformed ..

Judging them too harshly? Compared to what they really are, which this forum probably wouldn't allow me to say, I was being highly complementary.
And another thread dedicated to democrat "PUSSY"....its all they talk about except MONEY...OP, other peoples. Sex and Money. Funny Indeed. Its all that's been discussed for the past 6 weeks in propaganda attacks.....the democrats attacking republicans because they claim they either hate pussy, chase pussy or disrespect pussy. And the democrats deny removing the nads from their menfolk. What? Are they simply attempting to show their feminine side? :good4u:

Think about it....its the party that wants to remove God and a moral code from society, its the party of queers, transvestites, Man Boy Love...etc., the party that supported slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, and stood against minority and women's rights.

Now today....its this burnt POT attempting to call the KETTLE BLACK. Again...laugh my ass off at the transparency of attempting to deflect their historical sins upon their political opponents. And now with a candidate that is under 2 FBI investigations....they attempt to blame the police for everything from investigating the Hildabeast to killing blacks like the Nazi's killed the Jews....forget how many blacks, native Americans, Chinese, etc, the Democrats have killed. stolen their land and used as slaves over the past 250 years. Yep....the pot calling the kettle black. :) Its those evil ass republicans that are against, women, blacks, native Americans...that are criminals, don't respect the rule of law, greedy, sexists.....and the democrats walk around with halos?

Do the math and look to history actual and see just were these propaganda charges find a place to stick.
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You're the moron. Or possibly muslim. The two are interchangeable. Just tell me anything I said in my thread that you disagree with. If you dare.

You have failed to answer where you get your bullshit, cunt. What RW whacknoid site? Fucking paranoid idiots.
You have failed to answer where you get your bullshit, cunt. What RW whacknoid site? Fucking paranoid idiots.

Do you enjoy being a queerbait shithead? YOU failed to tell me what it is in my thread that you disagree with. How can I answer a question that wasn't asked. That may be how you roll, but not me.
Voting For Hillary Is Voting Against Women


Really observant, aren't you Skippy?

Do you enjoy being a queerbait shithead? YOU failed to tell me what it is in my thread that you disagree with. How can I answer a question that wasn't asked. That may be how you roll, but not me.

You didn't answer my question, cumguzzler. Where do you troll to find this kind of moronic bullsit?
This might seem like a paradox, but it's true. The reasoning is that Obama has already let over 10,000 enemy muslim refugees (invaders) into this country. No doubt Hillary will continue to do so. Muslims are "for" women just like they are "for" peace. As long as it is on their terms. Face it. Muslims don't come here because they are opposed to their own culture, customs and religion. They come here to spread their disease.

There are many instances of muslim men here that have murdered their own daughters for acting "Western." And they were "vetted" to come here. In many ways, European countries have had to face the harsh realities of letting muslims in. Such as with increased rapes and sexual assaults of women. Also, a German court upheld the marriage of a muslim man to a young girl based of their Sharia tradition. After all, mohammed himself is said to have married a girl 6 years old. Though he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Also, most muslim men are gay. (Being gay is basically being anti-woman) On that account though, I am reminded of a band called "Violent Femmes." The reason they are so gay that in most muslim countries, women are basically property. That makes dating them hard to do. And if men can't date women, what alternative do they have. Also, in many muslim countries, polygamy is practiced. That leaves many men without women. Again, what alternative does that leave them.

As you know, in some muslim countries, women have to completely cover themselves. And their movements are tightly restricted. In some muslim countries, they even cut women's clits off. And Hillary wants to bring people here who follow such practices!? I wonder if Hillary would volunteer to have her clit removed. But she probably figures that as long as it happens to someone else, it's ok. I hope that you women out there haven't made up your mind on Hillary. Because you should really vote for Trump!

All of this is True ..

Women are Property ..

Cannot leave the house unattended by male family member ..

Cannot work ..

Cannot drive ..

Yeah....try to imagine that.....if you hadn't (already) lived in the "good ol' '50s"!!!!

This might seem like a paradox, but it's true. The reasoning is that Obama has already let over 10,000 enemy muslim refugees (invaders) into this country. No doubt Hillary will continue to do so. Muslims are "for" women just like they are "for" peace. As long as it is on their terms. Face it. Muslims don't come here because they are opposed to their own culture, customs and religion. They come here to spread their disease.

There are many instances of muslim men here that have murdered their own daughters for acting "Western." And they were "vetted" to come here. In many ways, European countries have had to face the harsh realities of letting muslims in. Such as with increased rapes and sexual assaults of women. Also, a German court upheld the marriage of a muslim man to a young girl based of their Sharia tradition. After all, mohammed himself is said to have married a girl 6 years old. Though he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Also, most muslim men are gay. (Being gay is basically being anti-woman) On that account though, I am reminded of a band called "Violent Femmes." The reason they are so gay that in most muslim countries, women are basically property. That makes dating them hard to do. And if men can't date women, what alternative do they have. Also, in many muslim countries, polygamy is practiced. That leaves many men without women. Again, what alternative does that leave them.

As you know, in some muslim countries, women have to completely cover themselves. And their movements are tightly restricted. In some muslim countries, they even cut women's clits off. And Hillary wants to bring people here who follow such practices!? I wonder if Hillary would volunteer to have her clit removed. But she probably figures that as long as it happens to someone else, it's ok. I hope that you women out there haven't made up your mind on Hillary. Because you should really vote for Trump!

It most definitely is, if they were ever a child rape victim; because Hillary would suggest that they initiated their own rape and beating.
But she says she's for Women's rights - Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :palm: