I had to show ID (Orlando) ,and they examined my license,and they specifically asked me ( by full legal name)if that was me

Cos, nothing new, back in the day the cops asked you that all the time before they frisked you then hit your hippie ass a few times.... For your own good, yea

I showed nothing, & I didn't show up anywhere...... I voted in my underwear :rolleyes:, holding a beer in one hand & a shot glass in the other~gotta love this country...:)
Democrat election fraud this year will surpass anything we've seen in the past....fraud they've confessed to be doing for the last 50 years....


You just couldn't locate any o' those confessions, Right??
Yep; loony brain dead liberals proclaim that there is no election fraud in leftist controlled districts. Why it is a figment of our collective imagination. Yet, when it comes time to guarantee there isn't any with voter ID, they scream "RACIST" and stomp their collective feet in outrage.

Now you know that this is a covert totalitarian? The election doesn't depends on votes. It depends on the people who counter the ballots. Bush won the election through rigged election, so does Trump.
To bad there isn't a jeb bush in trumpf's corner to help him out like he did for his bro.

I am sure if given the chance jeb would give the sob exactly what he has coming to him.........:D

FUCK the BUSHES and the CROOKED CLINTONS Hopefully America is done with them.