VP Debate Dominated by Vance - Not Even Close

Vance made Mao Tse Walz look like a scared , little, kid caught lying.

Total ass kicking, regardless of the leftist pundit post-debate lies.
Horse shit.

In my opinion, Vance did win...but it was FAR from an ass-kicking. They both had good moments.

If you want to talk about an ass-kicking, you should discuss what Kamala Harris did to Trump in their debate.
Desperate attempt to change the topic duly noted.

Has anyone handed Tim Tse Tung his ass back, yet?
l am not trying to change the topic.

I am helping you with it.

You want to talk about debaters who are "out of their depth"...or debaters who got their asses kicked.

I am merely pointing out that Trump fits that bill like a glove.

I am delighted with the topic...and would not try to change it.

Let's keep at it.
You're dreaming. Vance was a gift to fact checkers, he lied so much. But I'm not surprised a maga would choose style over substance.
You must mean Timmy. Tim couldn't bloviate without the predictable dumb lies that have been disproved time and time again.

His abortion story being the primary lie. But alas, you're an idiot stupid enough to swallow the Koolaid the DNC feeds you like a gullible little lemming.
Vance won, but it was close, and most saw it as basically a draw.

If anything, it highlighted how poorly Trump did in his debate. Of the 4 candidates, Trump was by far the most unhinged & the worst.
One can only wonder when Kamala loses massively in November how you caricatures of ignorance and gullibility are going to react. :laugh:
If you want to talk about someone out of his depth...speak of Trump during his "debate" with Kamala Harris.
Yo, midget brains, whatever will you do when Trump is re-elected in November? Scream even louder? Pound those tiny insignificant little fists into the table till they bleed? :laugh: