Wages for unskilled labor.

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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The economy is about to produce more than it ever has, that's kinda high thinking for morons like the 4x laid off asshat and legion slacker.
The economy is about to produce more than it ever has, that's kinda high thinking for morons like the 4x laid off asshat and legion slacker.

no it's not, idiot. gas prices went up 20 cents in 4 days here. any gains in the economy you thought were going to happen will be retarded due to energy costs........again.
no it's not, idiot. gas prices went up 20 cents in 4 days here. any gains in the economy you thought were going to happen will be retarded due to energy costs........again.

Hey moron you don't even understand the statement.
If you are paying more for gas that goes to my bottom line idiot.
Dumber than the cows u tip

I wrote the economy
Only a bafoon like u would use your economy

But thanks for burning yourself!
Employers know they don't have to pay substantial wage increases to keep workers.

Average weekly earnings last month fell to $788.56.

It's impossible to do exact inflation-adjusted comparisons with previous months until June's inflation rate is released, but June's earnings will be lower.

Earnings are falling because employers are pulling back on hours, while keeping wages essentially flat. The average work week for all employees in the private sector fell to 34.3 hours in June, according to Labor Department data released Friday. Meanwhile, average hourly earnings decreased by 1 cent to $22.99.

"There's no bargaining power in this economy," said Frank Levy, an economics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

1) That 'guarantee' COSTS them just as much if not more. It is money withheld in the form of TAXATION. It is money that could be more effectively spent.

That guarantee costs less because while everyone has to save for medical expenses not everyone will require that money for medical. It's much cheaper to have a pool available where everyone has contributed a small portion.

2) In the 50's and 60's health care costs were far less. Why? Because people paid for their day to day needs out of pocket and had catastrophic insurance coverage in case of that 'pile up' type incident occurring.

Medical cost less in those days because there was a larger middle class. Again, wealth and poverty depend on what others are earning in the community. There was less of a discrepancy between the unskilled worker and, say, a plumber or electrician and a doctor had to make his price affordable. Today, the unskilled worker is making $10.00/hr while the plumber is making 3 times his wages. In those days the plumber wasn't making 3 times the wages of an unskilled worker so if a plumber could afford a doctor so could an unskilled worker. The poor are, literally, getting poorer.

3) It was with the advent of corporate planes/HMO's/PPOs and the mentality that EVERYTHING should be covered including all the day to day that was a large part of jacking up rates. In addition, the 'guaranteed coverage' simply meant that EVERYONE would pay the rates of the lowest common denominator. That we would all be responsible for subsidizing care for those who refused to take care of themselves via eating healthy and exercising. We became unbelievable lazy and subsequently became a very OBESE nation (I wonder what that does to health care costs overall?).

Huh? The obesity problem is more prevalent in the US than in countries with government medical plans. I doubt that is a factor in obesity but you brought it up. :)

4) Does the above mean there aren't people that need assistance and deserve it? No. There most certainly are. Medicaid is a program that subsidizes the poor. But due to the above it is becoming expensive along with the rest of health care. We need to go back to individual qualifications for health care. Get the corps out of it. Get the HMO's and PPO's out of it. No more guaranteed coverage. Then address the practices of defensive medicine and out of control litigation and we can begin the process of reversing the insane rise in health care costs. That leaves us capable of providing for the poor etc...

But government medical already costs 1/3 less. What better place to start?
Liberty, msg 47
Socialism created this depression.

AssHatZombie, msg 48
Nope. Globalization caused this depression.

Wrong guys. :nono: The depression was due to the belief that free markets, capitalist markets, could regulate themselves. The failure and following bailout resulted in a tightening up of credit.

Listen to Alan Greenspan testifying before Congress. Take 20 seconds, from 0.32 – 0.52 on the video, to learn the reason.

Questioned under Henry Waxman, “Your view of the world, your ideology, was not right”
Greenspan’s response, “Precisely!”

Ideology: 1. the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.

2. such a body of doctrine, myth, etc., with reference to some political and social plan, (Dic.com)

Now look at which political party and “beverage” party :) espouses less government oversight, more “free” enterprise. Just how “free” is that ideology?
Liberty, msg 47

AssHatZombie, msg 48

Wrong guys. :nono: The depression was due to the belief that free markets, capitalist markets, could regulate themselves. The failure and following bailout resulted in a tightening up of credit.

Listen to Alan Greenspan testifying before Congress. Take 20 seconds, from 0.32 – 0.52 on the video, to learn the reason.

Questioned under Henry Waxman, “Your view of the world, your ideology, was not right”
Greenspan’s response, “Precisely!”

Ideology: 1. the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.

2. such a body of doctrine, myth, etc., with reference to some political and social plan, (Dic.com)

Now look at which political party and “beverage” party :) espouses less government oversight, more “free” enterprise. Just how “free” is that ideology?

I'm a Libertarian. You have me confused with something else.

Maybe you should check out more of what Ron Paul is saying.

He knows Alen personally.
Nothing personal, but Texas does seem to take care of itself pretty good.

Of course that's just my opinion.

Again with the substition, I was talking total economy he was talking his own struggles.
I lived in Houston, I know very well Texas is one of the best states economically. What I said didn't contradict that brozilla.
Well if you think about it, NAZI Germany was at it's peak in 1944.

Ahh, you might want to consult your colleg history books, Germany was getting raped in late 1943.
though I do agree that republican police state tactics on the poor look very gestapo.
That guarantee costs less because while everyone has to save for medical expenses not everyone will require that money for medical. It's much cheaper to have a pool available where everyone has contributed a small portion.
The problem with that view is the "small" contribution never stops, and never stops growing into an ever larger contribution. Conversely, if one saves for emergencies which never happen, they eventually have enough saved up, and can then start using the monthly contribution for something else. The short run may be cheaper for SOME, but the long run is always more expensive for everyone.

Medical cost less in those days because there was a larger middle class.
Where do you get your tripe from? Medical costs less in those days for a number of reasons. One, there was less government regulation making things more expensive. Two, people did not get multi-million dollar awards because their doctor cut their fingernails .05 mm too short. Three, people did not run to the emergency room for runny noses as they do now when their medical is paid by government.

Again, wealth and poverty depend on what others are earning in the community. There was less of a discrepancy between the unskilled worker and, say, a plumber or electrician and a doctor had to make his price affordable. Today, the unskilled worker is making $10.00/hr while the plumber is making 3 times his wages. In those days the plumber wasn't making 3 times the wages of an unskilled worker so if a plumber could afford a doctor so could an unskilled worker. The poor are, literally, getting poorer.
It's time people faced reality. The days of unskilled labor commanding equitable wages are gone. If people continue to insist that unskilled labor be somehow subsidized to bring them to a specified standard of living, it will simply force employers to use technological replacements for unskilled labor. We live in a world in which unskilled labor simply has far less relative value than in the days referred to. 50 years ago there were no computers. Today computers are used to make machinery do the jobs that were formerly occupied by unskilled labor. This trend is the result of people like you who insist on artificially inflating the value of labor of all kinds. Unions, minimum wage laws, and all of those types of plans in which labor value is artificially inflated through political and/or economic pressures are the primary factor which makes it cheaper to buy an expensive machine hooked to an expensive computer to do the job of 20 unskilled laborers. Your fantasy of utopia in which people who can barely count change should command similar wages to those who spent the time and effort to learn a marketable skill is EXACTLY why unskilled labor has lost its value.

But government medical already costs 1/3 less. What better place to start?
Try using more up to date figures than the ones you pull out of the 80s. Universal health plans world wide are being scaled back because they have become too expensive to sustain.