Maybe. One thing, I definitely think that Putin made the right decision in cutting a deal with Prigozhin. It seems all he gave Prigozhin was safe passage to Belarus and an agreement not to prosecute those who followed him in his "march for justice". Not bad, considering how much more messy the situation could have become.
I tend to doubt it, betraying the Motherland in time of war must carry substantial consequences.
I think the main issue may be the substantial consequences if Putin were to, say, order Prigozhin killed. It has to do with the integrity of one's word. From what I understand Putin said or at least implied that Prighozhin would not be harmed if he went into exile in Belarus. People can say that Putin lies all the want, but I haven't actually ever caught him in a lie. The more a person lies, the less valuable their word is, and I think Putin likes having his word being valued.
He ended the insurrection before it even began
Sounds pretty good to me
Wish we had a leader that strong
FYPNo....Prigozhin will now be poisoned, and Wagner is likely to be disbanded.
I read that Putin wanted to take the Wagner troops and put them under his control. He also was going to use them in parts as Putin's generals saw fit. In short, he was wrecking Wagner. I am sure Prigozin was seeing his money drying up.
I think the main issue may be the substantial consequences if Putin were to, say, order Prigozhin killed. It has to do with the integrity of one's word. From what I understand Putin said or at least implied that Prighozhin would not be harmed if he went into exile in Belarus. People can say that Putin lies all the want, but I haven't actually ever caught him in a lie. The more a person lies, the less valuable their word is, and I think Putin likes having his word being valued.
Yeah, looks like Prigozhin is pretty much off the map and the part of Wagner that didn't participate in the 'march for justice' is getting assimilated into Russia's regular army. Looks like Prigozhin himself was just a henchman for someone higher up the chain to begin with, and that someone else has now probably been arrested in turn.
Shit, Ritter too is now aboard the theory that the West was involved in the mutiny, he says that the Russians today hitting a hotel in Ukraine with a bunch of Western military inside is proof.
Very interesting indeed.