Wake Up, America

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Please wake up, before the Noachides (knights, of columbus, malta, etc.) take over.

I have always seen list's of famous Masons. To just look at the name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the beginning. Another interesting fact to consider is that of the 37 Presidents of the United States before Jimmy Carter, at least 18 or 21 (depending on which source you believe) were close relatives. That comes to somewhere between 48.6 percent and 56.7 percent-far to much to be coincidence, as any conspiritologist (or mathematician) would tell you. Of the 224 ancestors in the family tree of 21 Presidents, we find 13 Roosevelt's, 16 Coolidge's, and 14 Tyler's. Another source manages to relate 60 percent of the Presidents and link most of them to the super-rich Astor family. This data does not include genealogies of the five most recent President. Psychologist G. William Domhoff claims that a large part of America's Ruling elite, just like that of Europe, are related by marriage. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
No many/most of the events in history occur because of the fallout from mans decisions and actions.

Of course there are natural disasters and such that are exempt from this rule.
No many/most of the events in history occur because of the fallout from mans decisions and actions.

Of course there are natural disasters and such that are exempt from this rule.

Right, and the type of fallout resulting from these actions is predictable to a certain degree. They use this knowledge when shaping world events and crafting the power hierarchy.
We never seem to learn from our past mistakes as a society, and are thus destined to repeat past mistakes.
a person can be smart, people are stupid.
We never seem to learn from our past mistakes as a society, and are thus destined to repeat past mistakes.
a person can be smart, people are stupid.

So therefore you propose a totalitarian new world order for the ages? To put an end to human stupidity?
We used to have a solution to that, it was called morality. Now that's just for nice guys. Enlightened people embrace satan and the authority of men, and a society based on lies.

Umm Morality can be anything. Satan has his morals, so does God (if you believe in all that).
Umm Morality can be anything. Satan has his morals, so does God (if you believe in all that).

There are different morals, yes. I choose morality that doesn't condone totalitarianism of any form.

Let's take your morality, whatever it is based upon. Is slave labor moral in your system?
There are different morals, yes. I choose morality that doesn't condone totalitarianism of any form.

Let's take your morality, whatever it is based upon. Is slave labor moral in your system?

Nope, slave labor is not in there.
So no Christians yearn for a totally Christian world ? Hmm how about Revelations ?
asshat, I have perhaps 15 years more to endure this screwed up world. So why should I get my panties in a wad ?
R vs D ?
I assure you my panties are not in a wad, unlike some I see no sense in getting upset over disagreements on a political discussion board.
We used to have a solution to that, it was called morality. Now that's just for nice guys. Enlightened people embrace satan and the authority of men, and a society based on lies.
We never had a solution to that, at least according to your theory. For Centuries these people have been "controlling" the world, therefore your solution never applied. The "used to" is a myth. If your belief is true, and some I believe is, then there has never been a morality balm that has effected this group at all. Before they were in the open people knew who they were and where they met, they have progressed their ideas and have been in existence regardless of how many people attempt to "out" them.

So, in short. Your morality balm has never in any fact of time and place existed in such a way as to actually be a solution to this problem.
We never had a solution to that, at least according to your theory. For Centuries these people have been "controlling" the world, therefore your solution never applied. The "used to" is a myth. If your belief is true, and some I believe is, then there has never been a morality balm that has effected this group at all. Before they were in the open people knew who they were and where they met, they have progressed their ideas and have been in existence regardless of how many people attempt to "out" them.

So, in short. Your morality balm has never in any fact of time and place existed in such a way as to actually be a solution to this problem.

So if you can't beat em, join em? Is that buddhism?