Most Americans did not panic.
There's been plenty of panic on display. The "Great Toilet Paper Rush" is one example of such panic. People who double mask inside of their own vehicle when they are all alone are another example of such panic. People who use hand sanitizer a countless number of times per day are another example of such panic. People who throw a child-like temper tantrum in elevators because someone isn't strictly adhering to covid tyranny are another example of such panic.
They followed medical advice
Plenty of people follow the ever-changing "make-'em-up-as-we-go-along" CDC guidelines because they are unable to think for themselves. Others simply think for themselves.
and the recommendations of President Trump.
President Trump did not recommend panic.
We wore a mask, used social distancing, and got the vaccine.
Who is "we"? You and your family? Here, you switched from referring to "they" ["most Americans"] to "we" [undefined group of people].
Masks do not stop viruses, nor does social distancing. Viruses are much smaller than mask pores, and viruses travel much farther than six feet.
Yet it is irrational behavior resulting from panic. Masks and six feet do not stop viruses.
and is the same thing we do for the annual flu and other diseases.
Did we illegally and unconstitutionally make mask wearing mandatory for the annual flu and other diseases?
Did we "socially distance" for the annual flu and other diseases?
Did we illegally and unconstitutionally impose operating mandates on businesses, deeming some businesses "essential" and others "non-essential" for the annual flu and other diseases?
Did we plaster, as permanent fixtures, "death counters" and "case counters" on TV screens, search engine results, and etc for the annual flu and other diseases?
Did we install plexiglass barriers at service desks and checkout lanes at grocery stores for the annual flu and other diseases?
Did we constantly harp about and do testing and contact tracing for the annual flu and other diseases?
Did we devote the vast majority of every single news cycle to "everything flu related" for the annual flu and other diseases?
I could go on and on and on, but I think I have made my point.
It is also not political.
It is ABSOLUTELY completely and utterly political.