APP - walmart employees need food stamps to survive


Obama Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack proclaimed that food stamps are “putting people to work.

"I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program, you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times."

Bask in the sheer genius of Tom Vilsack, peons: the government taking money from you hard-working Americans — and giving it to others, without regard for their ability to work — stimulates the economy!
Why didn’t we think of this before? In fact, let’s put everyone in America on food-stamps! That’ll be the ultimate Stimulus!
is walmart the only employer that has employees who are food stamps? this hate campaign against walmart is simply bizarre. they provide many jobs for people, yet all the libs decry how evil walmart is.
is walmart the only employer that has employees who are food stamps? this hate campaign against walmart is simply bizarre. they provide many jobs for people, yet all the libs decry how evil walmart is.

most walmart employees only work 20 hours per week or less so that walmart dies not have to pay benefits to them

mr speaker, where are the jobs
most walmart employees only work 20 hours per week or less so that walmart dies not have to pay benefits to them

mr speaker, where are the jobs

why did you only ask the speaker? what about the president or the senate majority leader?

should the government force walmart to hire only full time workers? you do realize that state and federal governments also only hire part time workers so as not to pay benefits. why is it you are singling out only walmart? should everyone be entitled to full time work?
why did you only ask the speaker? what about the president or the senate majority leader?

should the government force walmart to hire only full time workers? you do realize that state and federal governments also only hire part time workers so as not to pay benefits. why is it you are singling out only walmart? should everyone be entitled to full time work?

i only ask the speaker because the house has not done anything to help the job situation

while i would hope that full time work would be available for anyone wanting full time work i am not ready to require such a mandate

i have singled out walmart because they are the major offender - of course that are a number of part time jobs and those are of benefit to students, they should not be the principal source of jobs
i only ask the speaker because the house has not done anything to help the job situation

while i would hope that full time work would be available for anyone wanting full time work i am not ready to require such a mandate

i have singled out walmart because they are the major offender - of course that are a number of part time jobs and those are of benefit to students, they should not be the principal source of jobs

really? what has the president done? the senate? only the house who has had only a few months? why weren't you complaining in august of 09 about how obama was decreasing the unemployment line? were you asking obama and the dems "where are the jobs" in august 09?

the government is also a major offender then. using your logic. why don't you go after them? you just go after the big evil corporations while turning a blind eye to the government doing the same thing. in order to have true change, you can't just look at things from a partisan angle.

if you don't want a mandate, then how can walmart be an offender?
really? what has the president done? the senate? only the house who has had only a few months? why weren't you complaining in august of 09 about how obama was decreasing the unemployment line? were you asking obama and the dems "where are the jobs" in august 09?

the government is also a major offender then. using your logic. why don't you go after them? you just go after the big evil corporations while turning a blind eye to the government doing the same thing. in order to have true change, you can't just look at things from a partisan angle.

if you don't want a mandate, then how can walmart be an offender?

what can the president or the senate do when the house has steadfastly resisted their efforts

you asked if i would mandate full time jobs and i said no, what i would mandate is government supplied jobs (full time) to repair the US infrastructure

i consider walmart an offender because it steps on the social fabric of our nation by not providing full time jobs

as for the president's ability to promote jobs, the congressional republicans has done everything that they can to prevent the president from bring forth a jobs program and insisting that the only way to produce jobs is via tax cuts which have been shown not to work

or did you sleep through the threatened filibusters of various democrat programs effectively killing them

the republicans have a political agenda that requires no economic growth until after the 2012 elections

Obama Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack proclaimed that food stamps are “putting people to work.

"I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program, you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times."

Bask in the sheer genius of Tom Vilsack, peons: the government taking money from you hard-working Americans — and giving it to others, without regard for their ability to work — stimulates the economy!
Why didn’t we think of this before? In fact, let’s put everyone in America on food-stamps! That’ll be the ultimate Stimulus!

1. Mostly it takes from the rich, who invest a great deal of their money. Overinvestment is part of the problem with the current crisis. Which is why such a program, which typically has a negative economic effect, can have a positive one at the current time.

2. It's borrowed money. It will eventually have to be paid back, but it will be easier to pay it back in boom time than right now.

3. Putting everyone on food stamps would actually probably be good for the economy.
I really hate when conservatives try to respond to any macroeconomic proposal by saying "Oh yeah?! Why do you think people don't know how to spend money best themselves!?"

The current crisis is caused by too much saving. It's would absolutely be best for you, invdividually, to save right now. And that's what you'd do if taxes were simply cut. I wouldn't blame you - I'd think you were an idiot if you didn't. And that's what everyone would do, since it'd be stupid not to. And, collectively, everyone doing what's in their own best interest leads to mutual disaster. It'd only make sense to spend if everyone else were spending. If some entity, I dunno, maybe we'll call it "the government", could simply make consumption rise somewhat, it'd really be better for everyone collectively. The government is the arm of society, and the fact that something is good for society in general is all the justification it needs for pursuing that course of action.
Don Quixote;859048]what can the president or the senate do when the house has steadfastly resisted their efforts had TWO years of complete power, but it is all the reps fault. how about compromise? reagan did. it really cracks me up to see lefties blame only one part of congress. as if the president and senate are impotent in the face of the house. funny how everything was bush's fault when the libs had the entire congress for TWO years during bush's last two years, but now, the reps have only one house for 8 months, and everything is their fault. how you can peddle that is mind boggling.

you asked if i would mandate full time jobs and i said no, what i would mandate is government supplied jobs (full time) to repair the US infrastructure

i consider walmart an offender because it steps on the social fabric of our nation by not providing full time jobs

yet -- you have yet to call the government an offender for not providing full time jobs. and i assume you mean 100% full time, because walmart does in fact hire full time positions. they step on our social fabric anymore than the government. again, if you're not calling for a mandate, they walmart is not an offender of anything.

as for the president's ability to promote jobs, the congressional republicans has done everything that they can to prevent the president from bring forth a jobs program and insisting that the only way to produce jobs is via tax cuts which have been shown not to work

e threatened filibusters of various democrat programs effectively killing them

the republicans have a political agenda that requires no economic growth until after the 2012 elections

yes, yes, it is all the reps fault. the dems had power for four years, two with a dem president, and it is all the reps fault


October 8, 2009

In late 2003, when economic growth surged "at the fastest pace in nearly two decades" with the gross domestic product (GDP) growing at a 7.2 percent rate, those in Congress hoping to convince voters that George Bush's policies were failing pointed to the unemployment numbers. To draw attention away from the incredible growth numbers, Democrats pointed to the job market which lagged behind other economic indicators.
In August 2003, reacting to a July unemployment rate of 6.2 percent, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi asked "Where are the jobs, Mr. President." With the current unemployment rate at 9.8 percent and many predicting it will go higher over the coming months, House Speaker Pelosi should be asking that question even more emphatically than she did six years ago. had TWO years of complete power, but it is all the reps fault. how about compromise? reagan did. it really cracks me up to see lefties blame only one part of congress. as if the president and senate are impotent in the face of the house. funny how everything was bush's fault when the libs had the entire congress for TWO years during bush's last two years, but now, the reps have only one house for 8 months, and everything is their fault. how you can peddle that is mind boggling.

gee, you mean two years of repub fllibusters

yet -- you have yet to call the government an offender for not providing full time jobs. and i assume you mean 100% full time, because walmart does in fact hire full time positions. they step on our social fabric anymore than the government. again, if you're not calling for a mandate, they walmart is not an offender of anything.

yes, yes, it is all the reps fault. the dems had power for four years, two with a dem president, and it is all the reps fault


the repubs have done their best to block any initiatives by the dems and you wonder why nothing gets done - you must be deaf dumb and blind
the repubs have done their best to block any initiatives by the dems and you wonder why nothing gets done - you must be deaf dumb and blind

right, it is all their fault, despite having a majority in the legislature from 07-10 and the presidency for two years, so two full branches of government with a supermajority in the senate and it is still the gop's fault. the dems are obviously incapable of doing anything, with the presidency and control of both houses, they still can't get anything done according to you. tell me, how did obamacare get passed?

right, it is all their fault, despite having a majority in the legislature from 07-10 and the presidency for two years, so two full branches of government with a supermajority in the senate and it is still the gop's fault. the dems are obviously incapable of doing anything, with the presidency and control of both houses, they still can't get anything done according to you. tell me, how did obamacare get passed?


i can only think that you failed government when or if you took it, it takes all three branches to pass any legislation a fact that you conveniently overlook
i can only think that you failed government when or if you took it, it takes all three branches to pass any legislation a fact that you conveniently overlook

i'm not surprised that dune thanked for this. unfortunately for you, you have made a glaring error. one of our branches of government does not pass legislation, i'll let you figure out which one. further, what party had control of the entire legislative branch and executive branch for 2 years starting 2009?
i'm not surprised that dune thanked for this. unfortunately for you, you have made a glaring error. one of our branches of government does not pass legislation, i'll let you figure out which one. further, what party had control of the entire legislative branch and executive branch for 2 years starting 2009?

wrong, no party had complete control of both houses of the legislature except for a brief time due the rule requiring 60 or more votes to break a filibuster

the reps set record numbers of filibusters in 2009 and 2010 and are heading for another record for 2011