APP - walmart employees need food stamps to survive

Weren't we supposed to have a jobs plan from Obama when he got back from vacation? Let's hope it isn't "overspend until it hurts".
Weren't we supposed to have a jobs plan from Obama when he got back from vacation? Let's hope it isn't "overspend until it hurts".

i believe that it is due the first week of september, not sue of the exact timing, except that september was mentioned - besides irene kind of got in the way of his vacation...
i'm not surprised that dune thanked for this. unfortunately for you, you have made a glaring error. one of our branches of government does not pass legislation, i'll let you figure out which one. further, what party had control of the entire legislative branch and executive branch for 2 years starting 2009?

Judicial review

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This article is about court power over non-judicial branches. For court power over lower courts, see Appellate review.
Judicial review is the doctrine under which legislative and executive actions are subject to review, and possible invalidation, by the judiciary. Specific courts with judicial review power must annul the acts of the state when it finds them incompatible with a higher authority, such as the terms of a written constitution. Judicial review is an example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern governmental system (where the judiciary is one of three branches of government). This principle is interpreted differently in different jurisdictions, which also have differing views on the different hierarchy of governmental norms. As a result, the procedure and scope of judicial review differs from country to country and state to state.

Judicial review

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This article is about court power over non-judicial branches. For court power over lower courts, see Appellate review.
Judicial review is the doctrine under which legislative and executive actions are subject to review, and possible invalidation, by the judiciary. Specific courts with judicial review power must annul the acts of the state when it finds them incompatible with a higher authority, such as the terms of a written constitution. Judicial review is an example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern governmental system (where the judiciary is one of three branches of government). This principle is interpreted differently in different jurisdictions, which also have differing views on the different hierarchy of governmental norms. As a result, the procedure and scope of judicial review differs from country to country and state to state.

what is your point? is it your claim that the judicial branch passes legislation? you thanked don for saying that and now you appear to be trying to back up the claim by saying judicial review is passing legislation.
wrong, no party had complete control of both houses of the legislature except for a brief time due the rule requiring 60 or more votes to break a filibuster

the reps set record numbers of filibusters in 2009 and 2010 and are heading for another record for 2011

still can't figure out which branch of the government doesn't pass legislation? you claimed it takes all three branches to pass legislation... even though you claim i didn't pass your statement correct?

the dems controlled both houses for two years. that is how obamacare got passed. blaming the gop is pure fiction.
what is your point? is it your claim that the judicial branch passes legislation? you thanked don for saying that and now you appear to be trying to back up the claim by saying judicial review is passing legislation.

Why are you stupid?
why do you have insult? why can't you just answer my question. is it your claim that judicial review is passing legislation?

No retard, it is my claim that judicial review can block legislation, as if you didn't know.
No retard, it is my claim that judicial review can block legislation, as if you didn't know.

so you expect me to have read your mind and just know what you were thinking


it makes zero sense why you would even talk about judicial review in RESPONSE to my post. it has zero to do with my post. next time if you want to post random stuff, post a hot chick instead of illogical red herrings.
so you expect me to have read your mind and just know what you were thinking


it makes zero sense why you would even talk about judicial review in RESPONSE to my post. it has zero to do with my post. next time if you want to post random stuff, post a hot chick instead of illogical red herrings.

Only to you.
Only to you.

ok then....explain why you brought up judicial review in RESPONSE to a post about PASSING legislation. the subject was - it takes all three branches to pass any legislation - your response was to thank don and then throw out judicial review.

so dune, is don correct, does it take all three branches to pass legislation? and what does judicial review have to do with the subject?
ok then....explain why you brought up judicial review in RESPONSE to a post about PASSING legislation. the subject was - it takes all three branches to pass any legislation - your response was to thank don and then throw out judicial review.

so dune, is don correct, does it take all three branches to pass legislation? and what does judicial review have to do with the subject?

It takes the cooperation of the judicial branch.
no it doesn't. the judicial branch has zero to do with "passing" legislation. go back and reread what judicial review is and hopefully this time you will see that it has nothing to do with passing legislation.

Yes yurt, they can pass legislation, and then judicial branch can block it. You are so smart, no one else every thought of that.
Yes yurt, they can pass legislation, and then judicial branch can block it. You are so smart, no one else every thought of that.

pay attention because i can't dumb this down any more for you.

it takes all three branches to pass any legislation

blocking legislation is NOT the same as passing legislation. AGAIN, is the above statement by don true? yes or no.
pay attention because i can't dumb this down any more for you.

blocking legislation is NOT the same as passing legislation. AGAIN, is the above statement by don true? yes or no.

Again, yurt, they can pass it without the judicial branch, but the judicial branch can then block it if they choose to, hence, without the cooperation of the judicial branch, the passage will be temporary at best.

I understood what Don meant, which is why I thanked his post.

The concept though, is clearly far above your reasoning abilities, so just give up, now.
Again, yurt, they can pass it without the judicial branch, but the judicial branch can then block it if they choose to, hence, without the cooperation of the judicial branch, the passage will be temporary at best.

I understood what Don meant, which is why I thanked his post.

The concept though, is clearly far above your reasoning abilities, so just give up, now. understood what don meant kreskin? don't you run around bashing people who do that?

it takes all three branches to pass any legislation

in a weasle manner you have admitted that don's statement is not true. kind of funny that he claims i didn't pass government and you thank him, but he was dead wrong. and then you try and defend him with judicial review. it is clear neither of you know what you are talking about. you should have saved yourself the embarrassment and simply stated don's statement is not correct.

you really shouldn't ever talk about anyone's intelligence. understood what don meant kreskin? don't you run around bashing people who do that?

in a weasle manner you have admitted that don's statement is not true. kind of funny that he claims i didn't pass government and you thank him, but he was dead wrong. and then you try and defend him with judicial review. it is clear neither of you know what you are talking about. you should have saved yourself the embarrassment and simply stated don's statement is not correct.

you really shouldn't ever talk about anyone's intelligence.

You are so full of shit.
oh really? what did i say that is not true? you and don screwed up with the whole "it takes all 3 branches to pass any legislation".....and you say i'm full of shit


Can a judicial review block legislation? Yes or no?

Shut the fuck up you low life sophist.